decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

"I'm On Vacation"!....

....well, not really but that is what it feels like. I am having a rare day of no commitments of any kind. I do have errands to run but have decided to wait until tomorrow when I need to be out for an appointment any way and just spend today at home...not really doing make-up...just doing little things that I want to do! Do I feel guilty? You bet! Why is that? Still not going to change my mind but I might squeeze in one or two chores just so I don't go to bed feeling as if I should have done more.

 We had such a beautiful evening last night. We attended the Pre-School graduation of our youngest grand daughter. So hard to believe she will be in elementary school soon. Seems like just yesterday that she was born and we heard the doctor say "it's a girl"! She is so much fun. She is all girl and loves her pink and bling - but make no mistake about it. She can hold her own. She IS the younger sister of two boys and she has had to learn to stick up for herself a time or two - even though they usually do watch out for and protect her - sometimes boys are just boys!

She was all smiles from the minute she walked in to the strains of "Pomp and Circumstance".....

...and took her spot front and center!

She found that tassel right away and played with it through every song. Her hat slipped further down on her head and she got to where she was blowing the tassel out of her mouth and then, she just started flipping it with one hand while using her other hand to do the motions that accompanied the songs - all while staying totally in beat to the music. We were laughing so hard that none of us got any really good pictures but it was hysterical!

A pink lollipop and pink flowers all the while wearing a pretty pink dress - what more could any girl ask for?! And Nana said a little prayer of thanks that Mom got her out of the house WITHOUT those pretty pink boots that she insists on wearing everywhere these days - with everything - color of her outfit doesn't matter. Style doesn't matter. All that matters is that she has on her PINK boots!

What a wonderful way to spend an evening. One down (graduation) and two more to go before this school tear will officially be over! So very exciting but still hard as I realize how quickly time slips away. I love every minute of this experience called FAMILY! Stay tuned.

And P.S. I decided that I had to accomplish something today so I am beginning to go through the thousands of pictures that I have mentioned. Going to pull some for a special surprise for Morgan on her 15th birthday this weekend. I will share soon!

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