decorating with dodi

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Sunday, April 24, 2016


So remember in my last post where I said I had been doing some poking around in my "stuff" trying to find what I might have left out of my spring decor? Well, I did happen upon two things that are usually out that I had forgotten so out they came today.

The first is this set of plates that hang in the sun room. I have hung them in the past because of their colors but never paid much more attention to them than that. But, today as I hung them, I realized how closely the pictures on them resemble vignettes I have used in my decor for years.

Pitchers and urns and cloches and nests...oh my!

Just a little aside-there are now 3 eggs in this nest!

Then I found my old, rusty terrarium. Right now it is just sitting on the hearth with a candle because my back is hurting too much to do anything else at this moment. I have once again done my "annual" back "thing". This year it at least waited until I was almost done with everything-although there are still a few heavy lifting things on the list. I have a pretty strong back and can do just about anything I put my mind to but there are some things that I just know I shouldn't try even before I start. This year it was uprooting a fair sized, deeply rooted shrub. The whole time I was doing it, I knew I should just cut it off and call it a day-but, NO, not me. I wanted to transfer it somewhere else in the yard.

In any case, this year I not only felt it go, I heard it kind if snap-and I knew I would be paying for it for a number of days. I am one of those people who doesn't like to be told "no", so I usually keep on. And so I did-until I couldn't any more. I am now walking around-if I do it "correctly" it doesn't hurt at all and playing with things of little weight or bending. If it follows course, it should be feeling much better in a day or two-and then, watch out to-do list. Here I come again! Stay tuned.

Won't this look so much better with a plant or even another nest-soon, soon.

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