decorating with dodi

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Sunday, July 7, 2024

I'm Still Here!

Wow! It's been over a week since I have been here and I'm not quite sure where that week went. But, I am back and, after spending the last two days swapping out 4th of July for sunflowers, I am at least ready to show you the living room. We won't start with the porch just yet because I haven't had a chance to get to the nursery and replace the red, white and blue flowers with yellow. That's on the docket for tomorrow. And, I also don't have most of the 4th stuff packed away just yet...that's on the docket for this afternoon. Lol

In any case, you know I am chomping at the bit to get this new decor started. Even though we have a "feels like" temperature out there of almost 100 right now, I can fool myself into thinking that the end might almost be in sight with the beginning of a hint of autumn here in the house! And do you remember when I said that I didn't think I could squeeze in one more sunflower? Well, all of this found its way into my decor this year. Keep an eye out and see if you can see where it all went.

Things in the entry stayed pretty much as they were last year.

Actually, it seems as if a lot of the living room stayed the same. I think the only change this year will come when we get to the coffee table.

Now that I have that new wooden box-and really love it so much-I changed up the coffee table a bit so that it could remain. I left the lid leaning on the box so that I could put the book stack into it and then draped the bead garland over it.

And, this is where the first of the citrus, Mediterranean theme starts to show up. I have so many urns, olive jars and jugs that I love but can't always find room for them in other seasonal decor. In the summer, I feel as if I can bring all of those colors into play as well as some of my other Mediterranean  things. I love the feel of a house in the Tuscan countryside. It's hard to see but the citrus fruit is sitting in a very large, old copper bowl that I found many years ago in a decor shop owned by a friend.

So that is the living room for this year. I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th. I was treated to a visit from grand daughter #1-who lent some more of her expertise to my new computer-and, I am happy to say that I think we have everything now all worked out-fingers crossed. Then we went and met her other grandmother for a wonderful lunch. It's nice to have a chance to catch up when there is nothing else going on but a visit.

And then on the 4th, daughter #3 and her hubby came over for the day...and, since both of the kids were off for the weekend with friends, we kept it very simple and laid back. Elton made us a big shrimp boil and Jen made lump crab cakes from scratch and a blueberry dump cake for dessert. The plan had been to make it out to the pool but we had so much catching up to do that we really just enjoyed a lazy day of eating and the A/C. Lol They have been traveling and working so much that they both said it was just nice to have a day to do nothing!

I am off to see if I can't get everything packed away before I start my new week. I have a lot of errands to run and a hair appointment but I will be back as soon as I can. I'm hoping to hit HL and see if I can't come up with an idea for this year's ornament but I am starting to worry that it may not happen. So many blogs are doing Christmas in July and I was hopeful I would see a new idea but, alas, everyone seems to be in the same pickle as I am. It seems like everything has already been done. But, that doesn't mean that I won't keep trying. Lol Stay safe and stay tuned.

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