decorating with dodi

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Thursday, July 18, 2024


 For me, many times, it is the "little" things that make me so happy. That Christmas sign I made has been sitting here in my office ever since I finished it the other day and I blogged that I wanted to get to HL to get a red flower to punch it up. Well, I haven't made it to HL and it was bugging me each time I looked at it until I realized that I had the solution within arm's reach-paint. I just watered down some dark red acrylic paint and painted the flower I had. It is kind of a fabric so it got pretty saturated and lost its detail but once I hit with with my heat gun it "crisped" right back up and I could get the petals right where I want them and...ta-da!

That is EXACTLY what it needed and now I can sleep at night. Lol

This is turning into another one of my "snips and snails" days. The weather isn't fabulous so I decided to stay close to home and didn't really have any large, fun projects in the works so I decided to catch some more of those little things that probably no one but me will realize got done but always make me feel so much better...things I can cross off of the list and, if they weren't even important enough to be on the list, I add them so I can now cross them off. LOL!!

Do you remember me bemoaning the fact that the sunroom really looked kind of sad when it came to sunflower decor. It had a pillow on the chair and a buckets of flowers in the middle of the table. I felt like it needed more but didn't really have any motivation-but, I did have an image that I had printed earlier. As I said, no real motivation so I grabbed a canvas and kind of just dry brushed it with black. I thought I was going to like that but when I went in to distress the edges of the image with black ink, it kind of filled in the white spots and so it ended up being an image on a mostly black canvas.

I used the black ink because the artist had outlined the flower in black but when I saw it done the dark brown in the center of the flower seemed to pop out at me so I went back and distressed with a walnut ink as well...and then I hung it in the sunroom and was totally UNIMPRESSED. It was way too small for where I wanted it so I headed out to the garage and found an old, empty black frame. The plan had been to cut a piece of foam board to fill the frame, find a pretty scrapbook paper to cover the foam core and then attach the canvas to give it a bit more presence. But before doing that I thought I would see how the frame looked in my designated spot...and I thought it might actually be too large...until I realized that if I left the frame empty and just surrounding the canvas it wouldn't seem as intrusive since you could see through it. And so, that's what I did...and I like it. It was a bit of a happy accident but I'll take it any way I can get it. And now your eye has another place to land as it goes around the room.

Most everything else I am going to do will just be mini repairs that I'm sure you won't be interested in so I'll close for the day.

Today has been my lucky day. I've had two "I'm thinking about you" messages followed by some catching up and then a long, much overdue phone conversation with a very good friend. After the news my mechanic gave me yesterday, it was nice to hear the phone ring and get good news. Lol

I'm off to roast up the rest of the tons of veggies that my son-in-law brought over but I will be back soon. Until then, stay safe and stay tuned.

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