decorating with dodi

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Friday, July 26, 2024

Almost Criminal

 It truly is almost criminal that I am making a complete post about a craft that is sooo simple that I almost feel guilty claiming it. Lol But, since it turned out so cute, I had to show you so you can rush right out and grab your supplies. So, just about an hour ago, this is where I started.

As I said yesterday, I had seen a blogger make this craft so she was definitely my inspiration. But, for her stem she used a piece of tree stem about 2 1/2" wide and drilled a hole to fit her candle into it. She actually purchased the birch stem and only used a very small part of it. First, I didn't want that extra expense and second, I don't have any way of holding the log as I would be drilling and it just kind of seemed like an accident waiting to happen. And so, I decided on candle cups-which HL was actually out of so I grabbed these very similar candle holders and they worked even better.

The first task was to knock off the existing stem. I brought out the big guns and thought I could twist it right off-and, maybe if I had the strength of my grandsons, I could but because the stem actually went down into the pumpkin, I couldn't budge it. And so, on to Plan B. I simply took it outside and smacked it a few times against the edge of my brick garden wall and off it came.

Then I stained the cup and used some wood glue and hot glue to position it right in the middle of the pumpkin.

This looked exactly as I wanted...of course, at this point, I didn't realize that when all was said and done you wouldn't even see much of the stem but....? 

Then the fun began. I found some autumn leaves I had in one of my Rubbermaids-after opening several others first-lol-and used the pick and pip berries that I bought yesterday. And this is where you have to know when to hold 'em-know when to fold 'em. I had so much fun doing this-adding and adding-that I really had to force myself to STOP! I was going to add a few loops of that beautiful velvet ribbon-I am dying to use it somewhere-but in the end, I decide to call it at this point.

I would prefer to have a timer, taper candle in this but the only ones I have are too short so I guess I need to get busy and get some ordered. 

In any case, I really love how this turned out and it was just too easy!

And this is what I am left with and so wishing I could come up with another idea before I put it all away. These colors and things just make my heart happy...hurry up autumn!

So that is it for today. I'm waiting for the pest control tech to get here and once that is done, I'm going to make a cucumber salad and a corn salad and then probably call it a day. After all, it is Fri-YAY!! Stay safe and stay tuned.


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