decorating with dodi

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Finally...A Start!

 If you have been around for awhile, you probably know that I like to get some of my Halloween and Christmas things done during the summer when it is too hot outside to do much more and then to give me more time later to enjoy the holiday. But, before I can do that, I have to have some ideas and, of late, ideas have been few and far between. I don't want to repeat something I have done before-unless there is a WHOLE new twist on it-and, since I have been crafting for what seems like forever, I have done most all!

But, I have never painted anything on a wood disc and so, even though I am definitely not a painter, this Santa looked like maybe something I could pull off. And so, on my last trip to HL I grabbed up some of the discs and thought I would give it a try today. I gathered up anything else I thought I might need...and, actually, it was all stuff I already had in my stash.

I wasn't exactly sure where I was going with this so I wasn't sure what all I needed but I knew I wanted to just start with a simple pattern for where the face would be so that I had a bit of similarity amongst all of the ornaments even though the wood discs were all slightly different sizes. I traced the pattern and then filled it in with flesh colored paint-and look what the name of my paint turned out to be. Lol This gave me my starting point and then I could freehand everything from here on.

Then I just started painting in the different areas in the order that seemed to make the most sense because most of the white kind of "drifted" over the other colors-hence, white went on last.

I used a little of my Tim Holtz Distressing wax in red because I wanted the cheeks to be a bit translucent.

Then the nose went on in pink before I added the white.

And then I decided to use a pen to draw in the eyes and mouth mostly because they were so small and, since the wood disc is a bit uneven, I thought I might have better control with the pen over the bristles of a paint brush.

I did a little bit of white for highlight and then decided to put some clear glitter on the fur of Santa's hat to delineate it from his beard and hair. And that is where we are right now.

I think I am going to add a sprig of holly but I will need to wait for HL to put out their Christmas crafts and I can find the small decorative holly springs...I just used a little piece of a garland I have so I could get an idea of what it will look like. I am thinking about the glittered pompom for his hat and then a bow of some sort. I used some ribbon I have but I don't have enough for all of them so I guess that will go on my list as well. And, I'm still debating on the hanger. I will probably decide on that after I see it all done.

So this is where I am right now with tweaks to come. And now comes the hardest part for me...making 11 more of the exact same thing. I'm always excited to make the first so I know where I'm headed...and then a few more are OK...but, by the time I'm on #12, I will be over them! Lol I think I'll set up an assembly line and just do a step or two each day. We shall see.

I promised photos from yesterday. I headed over to daughter #3's house yesterday morning. The girls all arrived around 11 and did what teenage girls do when they're getting ready for something special...lots of hair spray, make-up and perfume went around. Then, as girls often do as well, some snacking was in order before they all got into their dresses. They were then going to get picked up by the "celebrant's" mom and taken to the country club to meet up with the birthday girl and do lots of picture taking before the big event started.

None of the girls has ever been in a quinceneara court before so I'm not sure they knew what to expect but, they were excited none-the-less. We had a huge rain storm right as they were expecting to be picked up so that was delayed and my daughter and I got to sit and visit with the girls and catch up on everyone's' summer until the rain let up and they could be off. I am always so grateful that my grand children allow me to be part of these special times in their lives. Somehow these "small" times end up seeming more meaningful than some of the "big" times. I love getting to hear what the kids are thinking and I love when they ask me things and actually want to hear what I'm thinking as well. When I look back on times like this, I realize how blessed I have been to go through these things with the first five of my grand children and how very much I will cherish what is left to come with the last two. I can't believe they're almost all grown up! Sob

Presley with the birthday girl. I'm guessing pink was the color of the night. Lol

I'm off to grab some lunch and then get back to painting. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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