decorating with dodi

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Sunday, July 21, 2024


 I had a little bit of an "aha" moment this morning. I thought I would head out early to try to get at least one thing off of my continually growing list of garden chores and was surprised to find the temperature not totally unbearable. I didn't check what it was but there was a slight breeze as well, so I was excited. I managed to get not one but FOUR things off of my list before the heat finally caught up with me and I had to call it a day. I only got a drop in the bucket done but I'm still feeling pretty accomplished compared to what I have managed to do the last few weeks.

Of course, that brings me back inside again so I thought I would show you what I last blogged about.

As I was finishing up my last post, I happened to glance to my right and saw the metal lantern that I had picked up at the $TreePlus awhile ago. My $Tree just recently upgraded to a "Plus" and I know from watching so many craft blogs that when you see something in the Plus section you should grab it because I guess those things don't last long...especially if it is something that catches on in the craft world. And so, when I saw this metal lantern, I grabbed it. It was $5.

I have a ton of beautiful lanterns and there is really nothing special about this one but I kind of saw it "gussied" up with ribbon and greenery for Christmas to fill a spot that might just need a little extra. And so, it sat in my office since the day I bought it...until yesterday when I realized that I could do a quick little fix on it and use it as one more pop of color in the sunroom. And, what I did is far from permanent so I can reuse it any way I want. I'm actually thinking we might see it again when the autumn decor makes its appearance.

I just popped in a yellow candle, tore some muslin and silk ribbon pieces, added some greenery and downloaded a free sunflower tag. The most "elbow grease" I put into it was distressing the edges of the tag. Like I said, its nothing great but I do love the way it adds to the sunflower theme in a place that needed the "pop".

That's all I've got for today. I don't have anything on the calendar for this week so it looks to be pretty boring around here but, you never know what might come up. Until then stay safe and stay tuned.

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