decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Plodding Along

 Those of you who know me know that this just isn't my favorite time of year. Even though I live in Florida, I DO NOT like hot weather...I tolerate it because I can't really imagine living anywhere else but, I do count the days and wish my life away until it is gone for another year! Lol

Taking down my 4th of July decor and switching to "sunflowers" is really the first step for me in knowing that if I am just patient, there will be a change in sight. But, I forget every year how large of a switch these two decors are. When the 4th is out, EVERYTHING is red, white or blue and, when it goes to sunflowers, EVERYTHING is NOT! And, even I forget just how much stuff I have until it comes time to switch. Everything must go before the new comes in and that means towels, hand soaps, dish detergents, spatulas, candles....all of the smallest things. On big swaps like this I find myself questioning my sanity but I know I just can't do it any other way-this is "me" and what makes me happy. And so, even if every bone in my body hurts for days after, I love making the swap outs.

I did get out and got a few of my errands run between appointments and rain storms-still haven't made it to HL but fingers crossed that will happen tomorrow.

I found a few yellow plants for the front porch so let's start there.

I decided to add the little sign I made on the burlap door hanger-we shall see how well it does outside.

And since we've already seen the living room, let's head to the kitchen. I left that little basket hanging on the rack and just swapped the flags for a sunflower.

I moved the framed print of the sunflowers in the pitcher and teacup into the kitchen so I could find room for one of my new things in the family room. I thought that since it involved kitchen things it would work out fine...and I think it did.

Some of you might be wondering what that wine bottle is doing there...and what is in the top...and, I don't blame you. That is a gilded oyster shell bottle stopper that daughter #3 and family brought home for me from there latest trip to D.C. and Maryland. Apparently somewhere they visited is known for their oysters and oyster shell things are everywhere. This is actually much prettier in person and I will enjoy using it but, until I have a chance to entertain, I wanted it somewhere where I could enjoy just looking at it...and it fits into the Mediterranean theme that begins sneaking in more prominently here in the kitchen.

Here are those brown paper bag sunflowers where I recently rusted up the velvet middles. I know you really can't tell the difference in pictures but in person they are SO much better. It's the "little" things. Lol

When I stopped at the store I was tempted to pick up some fresh sunflowers but even I might be at my limit so I grabbed these pretty yellow, orange and red bush roses that remind me of the summer sunset pretty.

So that is it for today. I really don't have anything on the docket but the sky is already turning dark and storms are predicted so I will probably be sticking close to home. I wish I had some brilliant craft ideas so I could get crafting but this is kind of another reason that I am not a big fan of this time of year. With no real holidays in the near future, I need to look ahead and even if I could come up with an idea, the chances of finding the supplies just yet are slim. I checked my $Tree Plus yesterday in hopes of finding some of their wood Christmas cut-outs but they are still totally stuck in the throes of summer...and I get that. Most people don't want to rush the seasons and holidays but, when you are a crafter, you kind of have to in order to have things made in time to use and enjoy them.

Oh well, I will still be out there looking and you'll be the first to know if I happen upon any fabulous ideas. Until then, stay safe and stay tuned.

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