decorating with dodi

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Friday, June 28, 2024

Happy Fri-YAY!

 We seem to be slowly slipping into our typical summer rain pattern after SOOO long without any rain. We have been getting several nice rain showers a day for a few days now and things are starting to "green up" a bit. That being said, the rain hasn't really affected the temperatures much except VERY early in the morning or VERY late at night-both of which I can attest to because my grand dogs are still here and we often find ourselves outside at both of those times.

My family was supposed to fly out of D.C. this morning but their flight was pushed back to tonight which will have them arriving home quite late so I get to have my company at least one more night and we all decided to have a quiet day today-yep, even the dogs are dragging. Lol

I had thought about running to HL tomorrow to see about some supplies but since I'm now not sure that will happen-and, because most of what I want is on sale this week so if I don't get there tomorrow, I will have to wait another 2 weeks before those things are on sale again-I decided to just take the canvas I have a do a simple ModPodge picture with the image I printed. I don't know why but I just love the intensity of the colors on that print.

I really wasn't sure where to go with this but decided that I really like the deep pop of color so I ended up painting the background with the two different greens I could see in the print.

Then I ModPodged the image onto the canvas and came back with some purple paint along the edges. I thought that helped bring out the purple from the print. I was OK with it but it still didn't look finished so I used some Tim Holtz distressing wax in walnut over the purple to tame it a bit and then came back with a bit of black because black just always seems to anchor things.

This is definitely not my finest work but I like it and I think I will be able to find a spot for it when I switch to my sunflower decor in just a week!

My brother and I made a quick trip to the grocery store while he and my sister-in-law were here the other day so that I could get some fresh veggies and fruit. One of my purchases was corn so that I could make my favorite, the Ina Garten Fresh Corn Salad, so I am off now to get that done so it has time to marinate before dinner. It is one of my summer go-to dishes and, since my basil plant is really doing well this year, I have plenty of fresh leaves to add to the salad...not to mention that it makes me feel like Mother Nature when I can go out to my garden and cut something I can use to cook with.

I have no idea how my weekend will play out but you'll be the first to know if something exciting happens-at this moment the only thing on the docket is spreading more of the gigantic pile of mulch left from the stumped trees-yippee-always fun times around here. Lol Stay safe and stay tuned.

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