decorating with dodi

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Feeling Accomplished!

 What a wonderful week I have had so far. Now that the puppers have gone home to their own house my house seems so quiet and I miss them. But, I now had the chance to get some deep cleaning started-it will take awhile to complete because I have been busy with other things but, I have started.

I spent all day Tuesday cleaning the sunroom-and still didn't get to the windows. But, it feels so much better. I love my sunroom. We added the windows after we had first had it built as a screened porch. We left the brick on the lower walls-which I love-but I probably wouldn't do that again because the brick is "rough" and everything-especially dog hair and  cobwebs-clings to it. And to make matters worse, all of the wood around the windows is rough sawn so it does the same thing! I was actually out of town when all of that happened and the contractor thought the rough sawn wood would add to the "rustic" feel with the brick. And, he was right but EVERYTHING sticks to it and there is nothing you can use to clean it! I have finally ended up resorting to a big bucket of PineSol water and sponges-but you can't rub the sponge on anything or it crumbles. I just get the sponge soaked and kind of rain the clean water down the wood and bricks! Probably more than you care to know but since the floors are slate, there is no issue in doing so so I start at the top and work my way down. Then, I hit the floors.

While the floors are drying I have everything else outside that can get hosed down and everything else that needs a good dusting or polishing inside. It is a chore-and one I wish had included the windows but they will just have to wait-but it just feels and smells so good when I'm done that it gets me motivated and on a "roll"!

My plans then were to hit the inside wood floors yesterday until I got a message from grand daughter #3 telling me she had the day off and asking if she could come spend it with me. I'm sure she knows that that question was totally unnecessary as I would NEVER pass up a chance to spend a day with a grand-especially one who lives in St. Augustine and that I don't get to see anywhere near as much as I would like. She actually got to my house early-even with a two hour drive behind her-and didn't leave until around 5:30 so we had LOTS of time to visit and catch up! We had a beautiful lunch out and she also came into my office and we tackled my computer issues. I have told you many times before that I am technology illiterate but, when Morgs started seeing what I was saying she discovered that some program that she said should have come already on my new computer was not there-and she had no idea why because her work computer has all of the same things as my new set-up-so she installed it for me and things that were taking me 3, 4 or even 5 steps to do can now all be done in the same place with just a key or two. I think I am now as close to my old Picaasa editing program as I can get and all of my lingering questions have now been answered. And, I'm not sure if she was just being sweet or what but she tried to reassure me that I wasn't quite as dense as I was beginning to feel. Of course, it took her to find the answer...I'm definitely not "dense-less" enough to do that but I am sure happy this morning!

Which brings me to this morning. I woke up ready to tackle the wood floors in the kitchen and dining room so, a repeat of the other day-move out most of the furniture-which actually takes the longest because I dust and remove dog hair as I go-and then vacuum and wax. And so I'm waiting for that to dry and then I think I'm going to get the base boards PineSol-ed while I can easily still get to all of them.

It's funny how wearing yourself out so much can make you feel so good. This is actually just a drop in the bucket of the cleaning that still needs to be done-not to mention everything outside but, I am headed in the right least for the moment. If anyone offers me a better deal, I'm sure I will drop my enthusiasm in a heartbeat but for now, I'm forging ahead! 

*So here I am about an hour later. I just got the base boards and the A/C intake grate all finished and sparkly clean when I got a text. It was daughter #3 asking if I was ready for the dogs again. Lol Apparently somewhere back in time she had told me that grandson #2 had lacrosse tournaments up in New England but I guess I never processed when. Well, apparently they're soon and the whole family is flying up tomorrow. I seriously have to laugh. I love those dogs so much that the last thing I will do is say no and make them have to stay at their house with just a pet sitter coming over 3 times a day-that's OK for the cats but my grand dogs need more interaction than that. BUT, I have to see the irony in the realization that all of my efforts will only be visible for maybe 24 hours. Oh well, guess I can start my next to-do list for when they return in a week. Lol

I do think this gives me the right to go sit down, pour a glass of wine, put my feet up and relax until tomorrow...after I get all of the furniture moved back into place that is. Lol

If I have anything to share over the next week, I'll be back. Stay safe and stay tuned. 

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