decorating with dodi

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Friday, June 14, 2024

Wrapping It Up

 The house is quiet...well. as quiet as it can be with two big dogs following my every foot step and not wanting to ever be more than 12" away. My grandson is still in Orlando and my grand daughter went to a sleepover at a friend's last night. There are SO many things that need to be done-floors, noses on windows, sand and sawdust everywhere-but, they're all things that if I do them while my furry friends are still here will just need doing again very soon! And so, I'm looking for other things I can do to stay busy. We just came in from spreading more of the mountain of sawdust. This time I shoveled it into my lawn cart so I could spread it out further. I did as much as I could do before I dropped-it is breath-taking HOT out there-and, I swear, the mountain is taller now than it was! Not to mention that, for some reason, when I have either the shovel or rake in my hands, the dogs think I'm playing and they jump in front of me and roll in the mess and have the time of their lives while I stand aside and just shake my head!

And so, we came in and I decided I might as well wrap up our 2024 4th of July decor tour. I think all we have left is the family room.

There were no big changes in this room. I did swap the Uncle Sam on the top right shelf over here from the mantle and put the spindle Sam that used to be here on the mantle this year. He just had a little bit more presence next to the larger Uncle Sam on the mantle.

Last year I had some of the sparkler boxes here but borrowed them for the living room this year so I remembered a swag that I had made many years ago. I haven't hung it for awhile. It was vintage images decoupaged onto thin wood rectangles spaced between these fire crackers that I made from dowels. I decided to cut off the crackers and add them here.

Here's what I see as all of the candles begin to come on at night.

I think that is the end of our tour for this year. I actually don't have any exciting ideas on the burner but that doesn't mean I won't keep looking and then I'll be back to share. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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