decorating with dodi

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Finally Moving Forward!

I FINALLY feel as if I have made a little headway in the yard. I was finding every excuse in the book not to head out there and when I finally decided that I had no more excuses, I experienced something I never have in all my years and I ended up spending the next 36 hours or so either in bed or a chair. I think I must have vertigo...and I'm thinking it is ear related because my ears are so clogged up I feel like I'm living in a tunnel. I have had minor bouts of this before but when I woke up at 4 a.m. on Saturday morning I could not get the room to stop spinning! Everything I looked at looked like it was caught up spinning in a tornado. I could not get my eyes to focus. To say it was off putting would be an understatement. The only way I could function for quite awhile was to keep my eyes closed. The worst of it would come and go but the dizziness and low grade headache remained until just a bit ago. I have managed to open my ears a bit and except for still feeling a little off balance, I think I am on the mend...thank goodness.

When I woke up this morning I was determined to get outside to at least tackle the worst of it but once I got there and was feeling better, I went all in. To say it is HOT would be the world's largest understatement! But, I used my "walking into the pool fully dressed" trick and I managed to survive. I got all of my cuttings picked up, a few more piles of the spring time leaf drop in cans, edging done around the hydrangea garden and the border grass edging along the brick path, fountains cleaned and many weeds pulled. When I actually spell it out like that it sounds like a huge amount but there is still so much more to do. And, I think this will be the year where I have to construct two new benches that are along the wall outside the door to the pool. I keep pots of herbs and flowers on them and I think the weather and sun have finally almost done them in...hope I remember how I made them a good many years ago because they make that pretty blank wall look so much nicer. And, I haven't even started the pressure cleaning. Going to be a loonnngggg summer.

In any case, I am feeling better-not to mention pretty darn good about my accomplishments-so I thought it might be time to move along with our tour. I think we're heading into the dining room. These pictures were taken before I made the vintage drum candle piece so, it is not in most of the pictures but I will show you where it ended up at the end.

The glitter star that you see here is now over on the sideboard...

...and the drum has found a home here.

Here is where the vintage faux dummy board wreath ended up now that I hung my personalized sign in the living room. It isn't my favorite spot for it but for now, it will have to do.

So that is the dining room for this year. Not sure when I'll be back. I have a hair appointment tomorrow and then errands to run and, at some point later this week, grandson #2 and grand daughter #5 plus two of my grand dogs will be here for a bit. Daughter #3 and her hubby are flying to Texas to visit with grandson #1 and see him board "The Eagle" for its voyage back to the northeast and then they will be driving his truck home. The kids, dogs and I will have to see what we can do to keep ourselves entertained and out of trouble. I'm hoping somewhere in the time that they're here my tree trimming will be happening. I think I told you I needed some LARGE branches that hang completely over my house taken down before we get hit with the hurricane season they are predicting. I guess there is a law about how much a tree can be trimmed without having to be taken totally down so that is what happened. The main tree is HUGE so it will be something to behold. The company I chose is the only one in our county to have a new piece of machinery that goes up, grabs the tree, sends out a large circular saw and cuts the tree and then continues its grip as it lowers it to the ground. No men have to go near the tree. I found them because my neighbors had two large pines taken down and I stood at my window and watched the whole thing. It was mesmerizing. I figure that ought to be good for half a day of entertainment at least. Lol

Now that the sun is not totally overhead, I'm heading out to give some of my flowers a little extra water. That sun beating down is brutal! I'll be back as soon as I can. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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