decorating with dodi

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Woman's Prerogative

 So let's go back again...when I last posted, I left you with this image and told you I was not happy with it and would probably not doing anything further.

I'm usually pretty good at knowing what my gut is telling me but as I was checking doors and lights last night on my way to bed, I happened to walk past this on the table in the sunroom and decided that since I really didn't have a true preconceived idea of where I was going with this, maybe I should at least carry on to the next step...and so, before continuing on to bed, I did this.

They were dry when I woke up this morning so I trimmed them and got them all painted and then rubbed on some antique wax so the detail on the petals showed up a bit more.

Now it was on to the middle of the flower. I'm pretty sure there are a million other ways to do this-and probably most of them are much easier-but, I knew that I wanted the middle to be textured and bumpy and, for whatever reason, my mind went to layers of paint and cinnamon??!!! I used some of the brown spray paints I had on hand and then LOTS of cinnamon and then matte sealer and then more paint and then...well, let's just say that you could offer me a king's ransom to duplicate this cutie and I couldn't come anywhere near it! Lol And, I'm still not sure I'm done...we shall see.

I used the last table leg that I had left over from the other day and swiped it with a coat of antique wax. Then, I was off looking for what I wanted to use as a base. My plan had been to drill a hole in a big chunk of wood but I had second thoughts about that and went out to my shelves in the garage to see what I could see. And, the old copper pot that I picked up ages ago in an antique store popped out to me. I love using copper with my sunflower decor and, if I do this, I can simply shove the dowel into some floral foam making it easy to pull out for easier storage and, the copper pot will be ready for use again for autumn and Thanksgiving, win!!

Then, I was on to pull some soft ribbons and fibers in sunflower colors. Well, my dislike for "yellow" quickly became evident. I have tons of ribbons and fibers in almost any color you can imagine...except yellow. I quickly coffee stained some muslin and gauze and pulled lots of browns and we'll see how it comes out. If I don't like it I can always grab some yellow ribbon the next time I'm in HL and quickly add it to the mix.

I can't believe that I really like this project. I'm not sure where it will go because it is pretty tall but I am definitely happy that women have the prerogative to change their minds. I'm glad I didn't let this one go!

Once again, I have about every craft supply you can imagine out and needing to be put away so I am off. It is Fri-yay so I'm looking forward to sitting down and putting my feet up as soon as that is done. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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