decorating with dodi

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Saturday, June 15, 2024


 I'm as surprised to be here as you are probably surprised to see me since last I posted I told you I didn't know when I would be back...yet, here I am!

I truly had planned to be outside early today and try to tackle a bit more of my "sawdust mountain" before it got too hot. Well, I was out there bright and early but it was already HOT! I got a few more lawn carts spread and I had to call it. I still have the puppers with me because just about as soon as daughter #3 and her hubby got back to town they were off to Palm Coast for a weekend lacrosse tournament and even they (the dogs) were OVER the heat. While they are usually right there with me playing in the sawdust, this morning they both found a shady spot and didn't move.

So then we were all in the house and, as I have already mentioned, cleaning is a fool's task because as soon as I clean, they are right there behind me shedding, drooling,, I was in search of something to do. I went to Pinterest looking and found two images that I liked so I printed them out and set off to see what wood or canvases I might have. None of either but, I did have some pieces of old fence slats so, out came my trusty friend. And because it is so hot out, I set it up in the sunroom again. This time I had a bit more cutting to do so there was sawdust ALL over but, it can just join all of the rest of it. Lol

I haven't done one of these pallet signs for awhile so I had to refresh my memory of how I wanted to proceed. I decided to stain the pallet first and then dry brush with "sunflower" and then green. Since I am not a yellow lover-even though I do love sunflowers-I wanted the top color to be green with just a hint of the yellow. And, after I was done, I actually realized that the middle of the flower pretty much has the exact colors that I used-don't know why it took me that long to figure it out but it was truly dumb luck this time. Lol

While the paint was drying I used water to soften the edges of the print before ripping them off. I like the softer rip that this technique gives.

Then it is just a simple job of ModPodging the print to the pallet. 

Again, I have absolutely no idea where this will end up. I can almost always find a spot but it seems as if I have done a lot of "signs" of late so good leaning or hanging spots are getting more rare. Guess I'll be figuring it out soon as 4th of July is fast approaching and then I will be on to sunflowers!

If I can find the right sized piece of wood/canvas, I might be back again soon. Until then, stay safe and stay tuned.

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