decorating with dodi

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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Snips and Snails

Just a few little thoughts as I await the arrival of grandchildren #6&7. They will be spending 5-6 days here while my daughter and son-in-law are in Texas having a short visit with grandson  #1 before he heads off for his next voyage on the Eagle and then the "fun" task of driving his truck back to Florida. The kids are at the grocery store now picking up whatever it is they eat these days-it changes with the season-honestly-due to the sports they play and how much they are bulking up or trimming down. Lol Then, they will zip home to pick up the dogs and they will be here.

 Until then, I'm just piddling around and decided that there is too much space between the sunflower that I made the other day and its pot. It just looked empty to me. I found a quote about sunflowers on a free image that I wanted to print to use but, because we still haven't figured out a way to change the size of things before I print, I had to find something closer to the size I wanted. I found the seed catalog picture so I printed it and gave it a thin mat. I haven't attached it permanently because the jury is still out but it is definitely better. It fills up some of that blank space...and everyone knows how I feel about leaving any space blank. Lol Oh, and I also remembered that I had some leftover sunflower color dyed muslin from my first project so I ripped a strip of that and added it to the bow. I like it so I might even add more.



Yesterday I got to spend the day with daughter #2. She came for a visit with he arms full of goodies ...I was happy just to have her but gifts never hurt. Lol She always tries to bring flowers and this time was no exception. She said she tried her best to find red, white and blue but Fresh Market just didn't have what she wanted. I think she did great!

And, since we don't have a Fresh Market here, she always brings me all of my favorites from there-I'll be eating well for awhile. I'll offer to share with the munchkins but I'm guessing my favorites won't be up their alley-all the more for me. She took me to one of my favorite spots for a lovely lunch and I got to hear all about her Hawaiian cruise that she and my son-in-law took for their 30th anniversary...and I got some coffee beans from a place they toured...can't wait to try them out. I wish she lived a bit closer so we could do this more often!

Why don't I take you into the bathrooms while I'm's a quick one because I really didn't change up much from last year.

I did move that Flower Market sign in here...not sure where it was last year but this is the only empty spot I had left. Like I blank spaces. Lol

And, as usual, a quick nod in the master.

So that's it for today. Not sure just yet what the week will entail but I'll be back when I can. Until then, stay safe and stay tuned.

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