decorating with dodi

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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Creating a Monster

 Since grand daughter #3 was here and got all of my computer woes cleared up, I have been going back and trying all of the things I used to do to see how I will be doing them now. I will say, she has it set up as close to my old photo editing way as possible and I am loving it. And, in doing so, I ran across some things I had "pinned" and decided to try printing them out. Here's what I came up with.

I love both the Christmas and autumn images but they may have to wait until I can get out and get some boards or canvases. But, the "ribbon candy" label, the flag and the 4th of July print were in the works for today.

The dogs are back at my house while my daughter and her family are off to back-to-back lacrosse tournaments and will be here for over a week so, once again I was looking for things to do that didn't involve leaving the house or, quite frankly, being outside. The thermometer said 90 but the "feels like" came in at 100!!

I found the corn meal container and the tin can in my pantry and the prints fit just perfectly so I decided to just make containers and put in some kind of a small arrangement. I started of by using antique wax on the top and bottom lips and then adding cinnamon to some Elmers glue and dabbing over with ModPodge. That gave me the rusty edges that I wanted. Then I stained the back of an old $Tree Christmas tag sign.

I ModPodged the flag to the can and the print to the board. And, of course, I distressed the edges of the print and even swiped a bit of distressing wax across the whole image.

And then I gathered up some 4th of July things I had on hand.

I made some little signs and glued them to skewers. I grunged up a small fabric flag. And, I made a messy bow from lots of different 4th of July ribbons....and, I came up with these. If I were really serious about these crafts I would definitely have something else in the can-and maybe the next time I'm out and about I will see what I can find-but, for today, it is some of my greenery, the flag and the signs. And I added a hanger to the sign just in case that is how I end up using it. I'm actually too tired today to even try to find a spot for either of these things but I'll show you when I figure it out.

And, I got the label on the corn meal container after I rusted the edges and painted it green but that is where I stopped on that for today-come back tomorrow. Lol

I'm off to clean up and then call it a day. My furry friends and I are tired! Stay safe and stay tuned.

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