decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Dancing Again

 Just came in from way too much time outside. I went out simply to fill my bird feeders and then when I felt like maybe it wasn't so bad, I headed off to some other chores that have been hanging over me way too long. I should have known better! I should have checked my phone-which I just did. It is 93-feels like 96-out there! Even trying to stay in the shade didn't help!!!

I have a garden on the far side of my pool. None of the irrigation really hits it the way it should and I have definitely neglected it of late-it's on the list somewhere-so when I happened over there today thinking I should turn on the "sprinkler"-which is a 7-8' copper tree that sends out water in all directions-and which I happen to love so much-I noticed that not only did the garden look like a desert but the things that seemed to be thriving the most were the weeds. And so, I knew I was going to tackle weeding it before I put on the water.

And now we get to the dancing...the other day I did a little "rain dance"-which actually seemed to work because we got some lovely rain that afternoon-but this time I was dancing for another reason. I apparently stepped on a huge ant hill although it wasn't the usual obvious hill that I am pretty good at keeping down with Amdro. This was those small ants and before I realized it they were all the way up my leg and chomping on me from foot to thigh! Tis time my dance wasn't pretty and I'm definitely glad there was no one there to witness it. Lol

In any case, by the tine I was finished there I was feeling a bit dizzy again and decided that anything else on the list would just have to wait.

And so, here I am before I thought I was going to be back. Let's head into the sunroom.

I kept the floral arrangement much as it was last year-I used an old drawer instead of the box I used to use because I couldn't put my hands on that one at the time. I have since found the original box but decided that I like this one better. I did add a little embellishment that I had made to use as tree ornaments many years ago. Since I don't do the tree anymore, I think it works well here. And, I still love so much that Uncle Same that I did with my youngest grand children. He was so easy to do and the kids painted them all by themselves...and their faces turned out so much cuter than mine.

Not exactly feeling this star any more. It was all the rage a few years ago when I made it-people had just started crafting with paint stir sticks so I gave it a try. 

I love this pillow cover that I made as gifts years ago. The stripes were simply painted on and then I put down stick-on stars and painted the blue field over them before peeling them off and it worked perfectly.

I just noticed that can of paint on the floor way down by my desk. I bought that thing at least 6 months ago and still haven't even begun to paint the sunroom ceiling. I am not a fan of painting ceilings and even though I move the can around where hopefully I will trip over it and maybe then I will get started, it still sits there unopened. Lol

So that is the sunroom. Good thing it isn't over run with decor because this is where the kids and I will hang out the most when they come, It's the perfect spot for eating, crafts and games and now that the feeders are full, we should have our share of visitors as well.

And, because I am NOT going back out there today unless something changes drastically, I will leave you with the image of a few thoughts. I might be getting desperate but I have a few more sunflower ideas so we shall see how the day plays out. You'll be the first to know. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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