decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 Yay me! I got the familyroom and both bathroom floors and all base boards washed today as well as all of the bedroom carpets vacuumed! But, I still haven't tackled the wood floors. I'm not sure why I'm putting that off...well, yes I am. In order to do a good job, I really have to move every piece of furniture and the living room carpet. I have a lot of furniture and stuff so it is a bit overwhelming but I will get to it soon. Not tomorrow because I have a ton of errands...but, soon. Lol

In any case, let's head into the sunroom today.

Well, that was short and sweet. Once again, it is minimal in the sunroom because we really do use this area a lot and it is just easier if there isn't a lot of stuff to move before we can.

Now, as for what I was doing when I wasn't on my hands and knees doing floors...did anyone think this wasn't going to happen?

Of course I added the glitter. The wreath just felt like it needed a bit of a pop...not quite as much or as brightly colored as the Halloween wreath but just a bit of gold and green to give it a little sparkle. I haven't added a hanger yet because I feel like I need to see where it will hang before I know what kind of fiber I might want. As much as I love Valentine's Day, I am wishing away the time until I can put out St. Pat's. I just love the calm and freshness that green brings to the house.

That's it for today. I have a few other things to do before I can call it a day so I am off. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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