decorating with dodi

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Monday, January 23, 2023

What a Weekend!

 It is Monday morning and I am waiting for Florida Pest to arrive for my routine spraying. I thought I could visit with you while doing so. I'm not sure where the weekend went but when I post these pictures I get a beautiful reminder.

Hudson, Presley and Hazel arrived on Saturday morning. In the "old days", I would have had a schedule of everything we were going to try to do. It was never as rigid as I may make it sound because if the kids were really into something it could last longer and other things could be eliminated but, after raising my own girls and so many, many years of other interactions with children (Sunday School, Girl Scouts, teaching, etc.), I learned that it is always better to have more planned than you might need. Now that the kids are older, I don't really need to worry about my filling their down time as they have more than enough interests that they can fill it all on their own. Hud even brought along his lacrosse equipment for some outdoor time.

I just quickly told them all of the things that I had managed to gather and let them decide what they might want to do. I knew that baking and cooking would be on their list because they both enjoy those things a lot but I wasn't sure where the crafting would fit with Hudson now that he is in high school. But, much to my delight, he wanted to join in. And, he actually did so all on his own while Presley and I experimented with "crackle" paint.I have to say, the "artistic spirit" wasn't with me that day and their hearts turned out so much better than mine...which will probably never be seen again. lol

They each wanted to bake one of the recipes I had pulled so that happened as the crafting was progressing.

And, of course, Hazel had to check things out and make sure nothing delicious hit the floor without her seeing it.

Our dinner was soooo much simpler than it used to be. We could have gone back to some of those more complicated menus but I don't think we could have enjoyed it any more! We started with a salad with heart shaped toppings, spaghetti with RED sauce (sort of in the shape of a heart-lol) and one heart shaped garlic bread slice just for the picture. 

And then their cookies for dessert along with a chocolate mousse cake Jen sent over. The chocolate cookies are a favorite. Presley tried the Kiss cookies. It was a new recipe for us and, although we liked them, I'm not sure we liked them enough to make them again. lol And, the cake was delicious! I had ice cream in the freezer but everyone was too full to even think about it...until later when it appears that "someone" decided on a little midnight snack. Lol

Presley also coated some pretzels in chocolate and gussied them up with sprinkles for us to give as gifts.

The next morning we had heart shaped pink pancakes for breakfast but you'll have to take my word for that as, by the time we actually got the day started, no one thought of pictures.

And so, another fun weekend is in the books. They are so different now than they were but I'm loving them more and more. Maybe because I realize that all of the grands are almost all grown up now and will soon be scattered hither and yon and these days will no longer be possible. But, also because I enjoy getting some down time with the kids-no sporting event, no dance, no school activity, no family filled holiday-just one on one time with Nana to reminisce, talk about life and cure all of the world's problems. Lol

We didn't realize it until later that this one had already sampled her pasta and was wearing it well. lol

It was a busy, wonderful weekend. I am using today to catch up and then I have a fun week ahead. My brother and sister-in-law are coming tomorrow and then on Wednesday we're off to check out a new fun place in Apopka. It promises lots of antiques, painted furniture, decor items, holiday goodies, foods and even jewelry. We shall see. And then on Friday I'm off to lunch with daughter #3 and then to Presley's school fund raiser where they will once again have a "color run". I loved it last year...can't wait to see it again!

Oh, and for those of you with inquiring, the wood floors are till not waxed...and, the floors that were all so pretty and clean are no longer that either...and life goes on! Stay safe and stay tuned.

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