decorating with dodi

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Let's Pretend!

So, let's pretend that this guy has on a red, white and blue suit, is holding an American flag and sports a long white beard and tall hat. Can you see it then?! O.K. I admit.... I went off in search of unique Uncle Sams and instead found this guy. He isn't my all time favorite but do you see his tag? Bethany Lowe. That says it all. He is different from any of the "pumpkin heads" that I already own and what can I say, he spoke to me! Even I was a bit embarrassed to be forking over money for this guy when it was about 100 degrees outside, but the saleslady, store owner and I quickly agreed that when you see something you like you had better buy it before someone else does. The odds that anyone else would have snatched this guy out of my grasp were probably pretty slim because 1. as I said, it IS June and 100 degrees and 2. the owner had to drag it out of the attic when I asked about any Bethany Lowe items and I'm sure he would have been shoved right back up there if the crazy lady hadn't plunked down her money.

Any way, my heart does always beat a bit faster when I spy orange and black and I will probably win this year. Yes, my oldest daughter and I have an unspoken contest going to see who finds and purchases the first Halloween goody of the year. I'm not sure this will qualify as it wasn't actually on display. Rules will have to be determined but I'm still standing a bit taller and am pretty proud of myself for this matter how I had to cheat! Now I just have to find a place to store him and hope I remember where he is when October rolls around.

On my way out to what I should be concentrating on - the decorating of the new patio. I must admit I am a bit overwhelmed as I know things need to move but I don't know where. Normally I would just drag things where I want to try them - over and over until I got it right - but we're talking about a really heavy fountain and chiminea here and the idea of that gives me pause. Think I'll just head out and see where it leads me. See you soon!

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