The above Mary Engelbreit print was taken from her magazine when it was still in publication. I liked the fact that every month she published a removable print in her magazine that was seasonal. It was also printed on a heavier, dull paper and one sided so that framing was easier. It was always an odd size, so you couldn't just stick it in an 8X10 frame, but because it was just for my house, I would buy a standard 8X10, cut a piece of mat board or scrapbook paper and mount the picture on top. Of course, this meant having uneven edges and would have looked so much better if the mat had been cut, but somehow I didn't mind the way it looked. And, since I wasn't buying a custom frame, it was done once again on the cheap, cheap!
This was our 4th decoration the year the girls and I were using the letters to spell out a word for almost every holiday: JOY, LUV, BOO, HOP and of course, USA. I would wait until the wooden letters were on sale and then buy up a bunch. We used paint, scrapbook paper and all sorts of embellishments to put these together and everyone's came out looking different. I think we simply cut small pieces of popsicle sticks and used them on the backs as connectors for the letters. You really could make many of these and no 2 would be exactly alike - unless you wanted them that way. And, you really couldn't make a mistake, so everyone had success no matter what their age. Sure wish I could come up with another one of these ideas for future projects. I guess we have been crafting for so many years, that there really aren't any original thoughts coming down the pike - just adaptations of old ones!
For those of you who are worrying about me because my house is rather quiet this week since daughter and grand children have returned to Lakeland to begin the packing process, have no fear. We are babysitting our "other" grand children this week and believe me, the house is far from quiet!
We really do love these animals but at our ages and with our current lives, we do enjoy the fact that we can "borrow" theses puppers whenever we need a fix and then give them back when we're ready! We are finally having rain, so I am pretty much housebound and enjoying the company. And, as long as they're here, house cleaning is pretty non-existent as hair, drool and "dog nose marks" are pretty much everywhere. I just say "I'm waiting until they leave to clean". Can you believe, most people buy that?!?
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