Today we're in the kitchen. Not really much exciting to talk about. I did discover how many pieces of Fitz & Floyd I have and remembered how many times we made "emergency" stops at their outlet store in Orlando when we were down there for other business. It's funny how things that are once so much a part of your routine become lost somewhere and are reduced to memories. I guess we just don't get to Orlando as much as we used to when the girls were younger - Disney, Sea World, cheerleading competitions, school shopping at Altamonte Mall, dance outfit shopping at Danskin, etc. In any case, I can remember rushing into F & F to get a glimpse of all of their new items every season or holiday. I guess I may have stopped when storage became a really big issue - after all, how many large soup tureens can one use (no matter how gorgeous) and where can you store them between seasons?
The rest of the decorating is pretty straight forward. Most of it is stuff I've had forever! I did show you my "wine corner". Dorky, I know, but I love to drink out of different wine glasses for each season or holiday and I try to find a wine bottle that will complement the vignette. These little things are my way of "stopping to smell the roses" and it is amazing how they can reduce my blood
I am still working on a few more Halloween crafts. This morning I found a stash of ideas I had pulled last year and never got to do. Some of them I really like, so I will see if I can fit them in before costume sewing begins. I have done a few of my largest areas the same way the last few years, so I am beginning to think of some new ideas. I wish I could pull all of my Halloween out to remind me if I bought anything new at the end of last season that I am forgetting, but once it is out, it will stay out as it is pretty overwhelming!! I will do my best to try to remember. Thinking I may compress my witch collection and do a bit more of a graveyard or laboratory feel - we'll see - stay tuned!
Looks beautiful. Olivia is really excited to be coming to your house. She just loves being there. I just glittered some pumpkins and will see if I can get the camera working again to post pixs! I did laugh at your title "Less is More"!! That is a phrase that doesn't appear to be in your vocabulary!!