decorating with dodi

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Monday, March 9, 2020

Wonderful Weekend of All Things Green

I know I say this every time, but I can't believe another weekend at Nana's is over so soon. We had to do this one early because of spring break coming next week but it was still close enough for us all to get into the spirit!!

I will say, each time we do this, I surprise myself at how "simplified" I am letting things get. In my defense, I have been doing crazy, holiday themed things since my girls were young and then really kicked things into gear after our first grand daughter was about two...and we have been crafting, baking, cooking, etc. ever since. There truly aren't any new ideas out there and it seems we have done all of the ones there are. For some reason, when the kids were younger, we did things way more complicated...examples below:

Rainbow Pasta

Leprechaun Quesadilla

Rainbow Quesadilla

Leprechaun Sandwiches

As the kids are all getting older and schedules are much fuller-and, sometimes we are squeezing things in between other things-it gets a little harder to solidify plans...and so, I have become way more flexible and our details are getting simpler and simpler...and, somehow, they still have just as much fun.

And so, we started this weekend with the simplest of lunches. After looking back at so many pictures, I will say that we must really be fans of the fruit kabobs. Lol

And then, because daughter #2 couldn't be here just yet, we started on our baking. Since there were three different things to bake this time, each grand got to be in total control of his/her own creation. Presley is always our cake baker...and the boys are more than fine with not having to rotate that job. Lol

Once Becky arrived, we were off for the obligatory photos.

Harrison was in charge of the Mint M&M bars.

While they were baking, we started on our crafts...and my daughter's MIL joined us for this. I gave them two different options and, I guessed correctly-the girls chose the more tedious and glitzy sequin shamrock and the boys went with the painted option.

The last things to bake were the Mint Brownies and they were Hudson's job. He really enjoys being in the kitchen and did a great job all on his own.

While Presley got the cake decorated, the rest of us got started on dinner prep.

Once again we did our old standby pot o'gold garlic bread.

We made a rainbow of colorful salad add-ons.

And, once again Presley took great care in styling the plate I should photograph. She was so proud of making her pot of gold at the end of her veggie rainbow.

And, not to be out done, Hud asked me why I never blog about his plate...and so I am. Lol

We have made this cake before but we love it so much that it came back once again for a repeat performance.

Of course, no weekend is complete without some Minute-To-Win-It and Scattergory games and this year was no exception. 

One of our first games was to thread the Fruit Loops on to a pipe cleaner using only one hand. The next was to see how many you could balance on the end of a tongue depressor...and this one came up with this solution. Lol Let's just say her brothers didn't let her get away with that.

The next morning usually sees me making green shamrock shaped at a time because I shape them in my large shamrock cookie cutter. You would think by now that I would have purchased a few more of those cookie cutters but, alas...So, who can fault me for the brilliant solution I came up with? As I was shopping, what do I see but this? My mind immediately went to "rainbows"...and so it was.

A simple breakfast of "rainbow" pancakes, bacon and a rainbow fruit medley.

We usually officially end the weekend with a rainbow scavenger hunt but, this year I figured they were probably all too old for that silliness. Luckily, I went ahead and filled surprise bags any way because the very first thing they asked as they came in the door was if we were going to have a scavenger hunt! I guess some traditions just die hard!! Lol

I did decide to make the hunt a little more difficult this year but these scroundrels still found the treasure at the end of the rainbow!

And so, another great weekend is in the books. We do lots of crafting and baking for Easter and the 4th of July, but we don't usually do that at Nana's so I think our next official "weekend" will be for Halloween. I'm already thinking about it. No wonder the years go by so quickly these days.
I am off to tackle more leaves. Before she left yesterday, my daughter got up on the roof and got not only the roof but the gutters all cleaned out. And then, we got all of my 6 large garbage cans full of the downed leaves and acorns. I'm out of garbage cans until they pick up tomorrow but I think I will start filling some bags next. This is one of those times of the year-the best of times while the worst of times-at least if you have huge live oak trees hanging over your house and yard!
I have a few things on this week's calendar but I also have some Easter and spring craft ideas, so stay tuned.

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