decorating with dodi

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Friday, March 13, 2020

Let's Wrap It Up

It looks like I can't think of any other reasons to push off my to-do list. My car is still in the shop so no new craft supplies for purchase are on my horizon today and not really any other ideas for the supplies that I do have...although I might just hit Pinterest one more time before I give in to the urge to get to work.

But, I think I might just have a picture or two of the St. Pat's decor left to post so that is my plan. Here is the guest bath this year. huky

Since I knew I would be having a lot of over night guests, I tried to keep the vanity a bit less cluttered so that it could actually be used. I had posted my St. Pat's decor on a decorating site I am a member of and got many, many comments. Every one was totally positive except one that said my home looked like a magazine ad. I am pretty sure the lady that posted that meant it as a compliment. But, that is not how I took it as my home has always been a "lived in" home-even when it is decorated to the hilt. There is nothing off' muddy shoes, dogs on furniture, cups and water bottles left everywhere, feet up on coffee tables, pillows on the floor, friends always welcome, good crystal and dinnerware always in get the idea. My home is not a museum. Everything I do is for my family...and me. But, we live in this house. Hence, me trying to make the vanity more "liveable".

And, I always like to give just a little nod to the holidays in the master bath.

I think that is all I have to share for St. Pat's. I was actually thinking about this blog the other day...and how it was a Christmas gift from my grand daughter who decided that instead of just following other people's blogs (way back when blogs were just starting to come into their own), I should have one of my own. I was so honored that she went to so much trouble for me but, honestly, at the time I figured it would be way beyond my capabilities and I would probably just let it ride.

I can not tell you how happy I am that I didn't do that. For whatever reason, one day I decided to just give it a try and little by little, I have learned how to do so many things. She had made me an instruction book that pretty much answered any question I might have (and, when even then I had other questions, she patiently guided me along) and I knew I had "made it" when I managed to figure out how to go from one blog manager to another when the first disbanded...after a bit of momentary panic I will admit.

Over time, I have thought once or twice about stopping but, in just the last week, I realized how helpful it can be to me and how it really does serve as my family history. I write a lot of things that are probably of little interest to anyone but me, but I hope in those instances, others can just scroll through and come back for another post that might be of more interest to them.

I will say that I have gone back to my old posts at least three times this week. Once to look at last year's Easter decor, once to view the steps of making the leprechaun hat burlap door hanger and twice yesterday when I had some unexpected company who came to learn how she could make the door hangers and, we ended up not only going over all of that, but looking back at past St. Pat weekends at Nana's and then at how I made a few other crafts she was interested in.

I like to think my memory is still pretty in tact but, I have done so many things over the years that sometimes the details become blurry. Just a quick refresher and I am good to go.

And so, this site will continue on. It does amaze me now and then when I check my "stats" and see how many views a page has gotten or all the places in the world...yes, all over the world including Uzbekistan-wherever the heck that is...that are viewing. It makes me feel as if I should be doing much loftier posts. But, since my beginning goal was to do something that was fun...not a job...not to make money, I will continue on as I am. For those of you who keep coming back for more, thank you. Hopefully we will all get back out into the world again soon and I will have many, many more things to share. Stay well and stay tuned.

P.S. Did you see how I just made what should have been a short post into a much longer diatribe? I guess I REALLY don't want to hit that to-do list Sorry. Lol

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