decorating with dodi

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Monday, March 23, 2020

Change of Plans

I had fully intended to keep myself busy this week out in the yard. There is still a lot more pressure cleaning to do and bunches and bunches of leaves to rake. But, when I woke up, I still have a cough and a bit of a sore throat that started last weekend when I did spend my days outside. We have not had a drop of rain in weeks and, as far as I can tell, there is none on the horizon. There is pollen and dust everywhere...and so, I decided that it probably wasn't the best idea to be out there stirring up all of that again.

And so, I am inside. And, since I don't want to stir up any dust in here either (by perhaps, I went looking for a craft. I still had two HL pillow covers in my stash but, I had kind of looked for Easter design ideas a few weeks ago and didn't see any I thought I could navigate.

I tend to like natural things for spring versus "cutesy" and, I am by no means an artist so painting things that look real is not really in my wheel house.

But, desperate times call for desperate measures so I decided to give it a go. What is the worst thing that could happen? I would destroy a $2.50 pillow cover...but, I would have kept myself busy for a bit so I figured that was a win!

Now that I am done, there are so many things that I would have done differently if I had had hindsight before I started. Ha-ha. But, I did need one more Easter pillow so this will serve the purpose-just don't look too closely.

I started by lightly sketching a rabbit. At this point I was definitely questioning my ability to pull this one off.

But, there is something so much fun about painting like this. I mix craft paint with textile medium and then add water. I like the watercolor look in some places and I like when the edges bleed a bit. The other good thing is that as long as you don't let this dry, you can always "erase" mistakes by just watering down the area and blending the misplaced strokes.

He is definitely looking more jack rabbity in this picture...look at those feet! Lol

I really wasn't sure what I was going to do beside the bunny but I felt like it needed more...and I refrained from just splattering all sorts of Easter colors...which was, honestly, my first impulse. Since my favorite combo of Easter colors is green and purple, I decided to just throw in a few purple flowers.

I added the whiskers and then a lot more "grass" around his feet because I just couldn't get them to look right. This is where I stopped to wait for it to dry...and, believe me, this one will take awhile to dry as every time I needed to "fix" something that didn't look right, I simply added more water! I actually like his head a lot-and that was the area I was the most concerned about-I'm just not a fan of his big ol' body but, unfortunately, all the water in the world will not make that go away!

So here he is in all his glory. As I started out by saying, "if I knew then what I know now"...Lol. He is supposed to be a bit turned and that "lump" on the right is his hind leg...but now that I've covered the clunky feet, that is kind of hard to tell. Oh well, he is what he is and he pretty much kept me busy for the better part of the day-with a bit of watering my parched gardens in between-so I'm good. Time to clean up a bit, sit down and put my feet up. And so, another day is down with more than I want to think about still before us. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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