decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Cabin Fever May Be Setting In!

I want to go outside!! I can not tell you how much I long to get at the piles of leaves everywhere in my yard. But, I know I need to stay away from blowing up the pollen all over the place. I have really never had an allergy in my long life but this stuff is starting to get me. And, when it gives off many of the same symptoms as "the" virus, it can be a bit disconcerting. All I wanted to do yesterday was sit out by the pool and read. My pool guy had just left and the water was crystal clear. I had already blown the deck twice before he got here-with a scarf covering my mouth and nose hoping that might help. I swear by the time I gathered my glasses and my book, I heard a small wind and by the time I got outside, the entire surface of both the pool and the deck were once again covered in those squiggly things!! And so, I went in.

We need a good rain to wash this stuff away but there was no promise of that today so I decided to try my hand at another indoor craft-more about that if it works-today. I grabbed a piece of wood and went outside for just a minute to sand the edges. While I was there, I felt a raindrop or two and I think I may have actually squealed! And, that was about it! Although large black clouds rolled across the skies for about 30 minutes, we didn't get much more than those initial drops! And, since it has now been over night since I last blew the deck, it is thick with those things again. This has been going on so long this year that I honestly don't see how there can possibly be any more of them up in those trees. But, I digress,

And so, while I am waiting for my base coat of paint to dry on my wood, I thought I would take you into the kitchen today.

So this is where the napkin jar ended up. It still isn't a favorite but I think it looks OK here with the wood of the pizza peel and the purple of the candle.

Seems I didn't have much to say about the kitchen so I guess I didn't change up a lot this year. I'm off to give a new idea a try. If it works, you'll be the first to know. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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