decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

When You Know. You Know!

 I have posted about days like this before...days when I want to do a craft but don't want to leave the house to buy supplies...and, even if I did, I don't really have an idea so I wouldn't know what to buy. These are the days when I should run, not walk, to any other project I can think of. And, I must have had an inkling that this would be one of those projects because I did do a dozen other things at the same time as the craft. I don't have much to say about the craft but I did get a lot of things done outside. Lol

Here's where I started. I knew I wanted to do something for Halloween and I did have a canvas and this picture of a haunted house that I printed and wanted to use.

Even though I'm not crazy about the new "busted canvas" pictures, they are easy enough to do and I thought the haunted house might make a nice background. I started by painting the canvas with black chalk paint. After seeing so many of these since they've gone viral, I decided that I like the ones with solid backgrounds the best. I think using patterns on all of your surfaces just makes it too busy.

Then, I turned it over and ModPodged in the paper I chose for the bursts.

When all of that was dry, I cut the canvas and peeled it back a bit to see what I had.

It was at this point that I decided to glue the "bursts" as they were instead of rolling them back as most people do. After cutting, some of the points were showing a bit of white so I decided to put some ultra fine black glitter along the edges.

And this is where I really wish you all could answer my questions. I wanted to try to keep this a sort of traditional vintage Halloween picture. I have LOTS and LOTS of Halloween embellishments from my scrapbooking days and I was trying all sorts of things but most of them were too "cutesy". I thought I might be close with this:

I was trying to convince myself that I liked it but then I realized that it was too much for what I wanted.

The corners needed something so I tried drawing on cobwebs with chalk to see what I thought. Then, I tried out two different vintage people cards. Now remember, this is after trying out a dozen other things ...none of which worked.

I decide that I liked the webs so I headed to get an orange paint pen...which I didn't have so I had to pivot and use a paint brush to paint over the chalk. And, even though I used a brush with only about 3 bristles, it still came out too wide and I was about to paint over the whole thing...or better yet, toss the whole thing in the garbage...when I decided to go over it all with black ink to tone it down. Then I glittered the edge of the little card and added some small wood blocks to the back to lift it a bit. And, I found the trick-or-treat sign, glittered its edges and added it to the top.

And that's where we are. I'm not in love with it. It might find a home this year-we shall see. I need to learn to listen to my gut feeling but this was a desperation craft. I just enjoy doing it. I guess I should learn to care less how it turns out but that isn't how I roll. I had a vision but just couldn't quite get there. Lol

And so, I am left with this mess and I'm not even going to show you my craft room. Every Halloween box, drawer, file, etc. is pulled out and scattered everywhere. Guess I know what I will be doing next.

I think I'm off to run errands tomorrow and then I will be back in the yard on Friday if it isn't raining but I'll be sure to check with you when I get a chance. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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