decorating with dodi

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Monday, August 26, 2024

There's an Old Expression...

There's an old expression that says "make hay while the sun shines"...and that makes sense literally as well as the way the saying means. BUT, around here we say "make hay BEFORE the sun shines". Lol That is about the only way I have been getting any of my gardening done this summer. Of course, I'm not actually out there before sunrise...but pretty much very soon after. And, today was glorious!! You would honestly have thought it was spring. The air felt perfect and there was the slightest cool breeze blowing.

And, I guess because it felt like spring, my brain was tricked into thinking that it was! My first task was to scrub the pool slide that always gets so horrible during all of the rains in the summer. And then, because I had bleach water still in my bucket, I just started scrubbing all of the pool furniture and then the glass tops on the tables and then the little side tables and...well, practically everything I could find that still had a layer of pollen or whatever!

I know you can't really see anything in these pictures but, that slide is shiny bright, the azaleas are down, the weeds are gone and the "sprinkler tree" is on and watering the side garden that doesn't get any irrigation-and that I often forget about.

And then while I was taking a quick break, my eyes saw some things around the yard that were driving me crazy now that I saw them and of the bird baths got painted, I fixed the floater on the pool, I leveled several plant stands that were way off level, I edged the entire hydrangea garden again and got rid of all of the weeds as well as in the other garden on the side of the pool.

It was almost noon when I took my next break and made the mistake of looking at the temperature-89 degrees-feels like 100! And I was dying. And that is when I realized that the breeze was gone as well so I headed in to do some more of the same but in A/C-little things that no one but me would notice but that make me feel so good. I thought I would grab a quick lunch and then maybe head back out when the shade was on that side of the yard but, as I was just dragging out tomorrow's garbage and recycling cans, the skies opened and it is pouring rain out there so... I am and I thought I would take you into the sunroom. 

I'm loving that $5 lantern from the $Tree. I just took off the yellow ribbons and sunflower tag and swapped the yellow candle for an orange one and it looks so cute. And, since it's on a timer it lights up a little of the sunroom at night.

Which actually got me to thinking...Lol

I know you probably get tired of hearing me say t but, the sunroom is once again at a minimum because we use this area so much and it's just easier if we don't have to move a thousand things first.

And, it's that time of year again. These two started school two weeks ago-Hudson is a junior and Presley is a sophomore: Just realized we're missing Bruno in this picture...not sure why.

And Harrison started his sophomore year at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy today. His roomie took the picture so it's not the best but just happy to see his smiling face.

So that's where I am right now. If the rain stops, I know what I'll be doing but, until then, who knows? Stay safe and stay tuned.

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