decorating with dodi

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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Waiting for Company

 I'm sitting here waiting for my company...the furry I really don't want to get into the middle of anything just yet. Of course, that usually leads me to the computer in my office where I keep most of the new crafts I have made until it's time to use them. And as I glanced at it all this morning, I see myself wishing my life away...well, not really. Maybe just anticipating the next few months...with EXCITEMENT. And seriously, who can blame me as we limp through the end of yet another Florida summer. Don't get me wrong-I wouldn't really want to live anywhere else but our summers are rough-at least for someone who is not a fan of heat!

Somehow, when I look at what is to come in the next few months, my blood pressure must go down 20 points! Lol

I find it interesting that there is still not one Halloween item in the mix! I love Halloween but I'm wondering if I might just have ENOUGH! After looking at past years photos I do know that I would probably have to completely remove a vignette that I have in order to add anything new. There are a few areas I have been toying with changing so I am not completely ruling that out...we shall see.

I almost always allow myself one treasure for Christmas and this year, it is the metal sign that I found on Decor Steals. It is rusty just like I like-in fact, it could even be a bit more rusty for me.

I'm waiting for Christmas to go on sale at HL-and that will probably be soon-so I can buy a small tree to add to the Ribbon Candy box. And then the ornaments still need finishing. I'm hoping to add a vintage Santa canvas to that mix pretty soon. I've got lots of images pulled-just need to choose one and get going.

And then my ahhhhh-ha moment!

Can't you just feel the temperatures drop when you look at these beauties? And, a quick update. The shine on that wreath was driving me crazy so I hit it with a bit of sand paper and actually was able to knock it down a good bit. I'm feeling a lot better about it now and thinking it might actually be able to make the cut. Lol

So that's it for now. I really don't have any plans set for the week the dogs will be here except for sticking close to home. If I come up with something brilliant, you'll be the first to know. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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