decorating with dodi

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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Slow But Steady

I still feel as if I am taking two steps forward and one back...I guess that's not quite as bad as it could be but I am still not feeling as if I have a handle on things this year.

But, I did get pictures of the porch and living room so why don't we start there? There are a few new things in this room and lots of fresh greenery because this year's tree needed some trimming.

I am definitely missing my icicle lights this year but I made the executive decision to leave them off as my roof is getting old and the less "messing around" up there, the better. Lol

This wreath is new this year and I love all of the vintage Santa images.

So while some of that was going on, so was this.

Can you tell what I'm getting ready to make? No? Neither can I! As I have posted before....I have been crafting for so long that there are not many things that I haven't done and, for whatever reason, once I've done something I'm not in a hurry to do it again. 

I have seen some ideas that I'm not totally in love with but I gathered some things together and we'll see if any inspiration hits. If not, this will be the year of no ornament! Stay safe and stay tuned.


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