decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Finishing Up!

I'm home for just a little bit so I thought I had better get the rest of Easter 2018 in the record books. Believe it or not, I come back to these things probably way more than anyone else. It helps "jog" my memory and I need all of the jogging I can get these days. Just be warned...picture overload because this is probably the last chance I will have to post until I return from my next trip!

Loving my new table runner.

This is the second year I have put the vintage collection here on these shelves and I like them better than in the living room.

The sunroom is feeling so much larger now that the treadmill is gone...not to mention all of the other stuff I had stacked and waiting for the dreaded garage sale!

All of the space next to that door used to be taken up by the treadmill. Of course, once it was gone, I couldn't stop looking at the "emptiness" so I moved over this little chest and chair. That door leads to the garage so it is actually nice to have a surface there to put down things coming or going. I hung a hook for an extra set of keys and a basket to hold flyers, coupons, etc. waiting to go into the car. I am not crazy about the "dead" space above the chest so this area is definitely still a work in progress!


So that is a very quick tour of this year's Easter. I just got back from a visit in St. Pete with two daughters and two grand daughters. We had so much fun that I really forgot about taking many pictures but I did get a few from my favorite spot down there - her front porch and a few on the day we walked downtown and ate, laughed, and played tourist in the most fantastic spring weather ever!!

This was my view every evening...

 ...and here it was every twelve hours later.

We spent a full and fun day in downtown St. Pete.

So I am home and scrambling to get caught up and fit in some Easter traditions before I head off again. A few more pictures to come. Stay tuned.

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