decorating with dodi

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Sunday, November 8, 2020

And Just Like That...It's November!

 Times are really so interesting these days. On one hand, the days seems to drag yet, on the other, the months are gone in a blink of an eye! I am having a hard time believing that we are already in November but three days of dismantling Halloween and putting up Thanksgiving kind of makes the reality a bit clearer! Lol Let's start the 2020 tour.

The colors on the flag I repainted last year seem to be holding up pretty well...I guess it was worth all of the time it took!

It's funny how that "autumn" sign keeps finding new homes. It is one of my favorite things. I bought it many years ago in SteinMart. I loved it in the store when I saw it but not so much when I got it home. It was originally just black and white and I think that is what bothered me so I used an oil pastel and shaded in one pumpkin in orange and have loved it ever since.

I bought those green velvet pillow covers in PB last year for Christmas but I knew I would use them for more than that because, to me, hunter green is kind of a neutral. They have appeared for St. Pat's Day, Easter, sunflowers, autumn and now Thanksgiving...and, of course they will stay for Christmas again. I just love the contrast they bring to the room and, if you look closely, you will see other pops of the hunter green around the room.

So that is the porch and living room. So many people I know decided to jump straight from Halloween to Christmas this year and, believe me, I was tempted but, I have a hard time with decor that reads-to me at least-as being out of season. I just couldn't do it and, I love the colors of autumn so much that I am more than happy to do the extra decorating...but, Christmas will be following very soon.

I had a super fun Saturday. We went to my youngest grandson's last football game of the year-except for the All-Star game where he was chosen as one of the representatives of his team. The weather turned out to be breezy and beautiful. Then we went back to daughter #3's house for some fabulous food and an even better UF game. Since we recorded the game while we were gone and watched it later, it made for a late night but it is just so much fun to be out of the house these days that I really didn't care.

Stay safe and stay tuned.

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