decorating with dodi

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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

It Doesn't Take Much!

Sometimes I really surprise myself. As I was sitting eating lunch and watching TV in my family room today-quite soon after I had just finished posting my weekend-I looked up at my mantle and realized how long I have disliked the palette sign I made a number of years ago. If memory serves, I wasn't too thrilled with it from the very beginning. It was dark and dreary but I couldn't really think of anything else I wanted to do with it, so I let it go. This would have been back when palette signs were just becoming fashionable.

In any case, as I sat there today I was compelled to take it down and "doctor" it in some way! I have recently seen some door hangers that used the word "love" and I decided that is exactly what this needed.  See how dark and unexciting the sign is?

I knew I had an old chalk marker that has a fairly large tip...and, in a matter of SECONDS, this happened.

I know the change is small but for some reason, it gives me joy. I am happy with the sign now. You know what they say..."some day we will look back on what we think are the little things and realize they are really the big things". Lol It truly doesn't take a lot to make my heart happy.

And, while I was in the mood, I started looking for some St. Pat's ideas. Here is what I am considering so far. Since we have done this process on a number of applications, we should be really good at this one!

I'm not sure if I want to do this one myself or have the kids do one for their front door as well. I will have to think about how we could do the lettering that would be successful for them.

If we do the Minute-To-Win-It games, we will have Skittles left over so this experiment might be fun.

Slime is always a winner and how gorgeous is this rainbow?!

Gal on a Mission


The Bubbly Hostess

 Yep, that's right, this one is from my blog back in 2014. It is always so much fun when I'm looking at Pinterest to suddenly see an image of mine float by that someone else has actually pinned. I have thought about this cake many times and I remember it being delicious! Maybe it is time to make it again. As a matter of fact, some of my other ideas are things we have done before...but, as they say, everything old is new again or...if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Does it sound like I'm rationalizing to you? Yeah, me too. But, I do think we will be repeating some of our old favorites this year. After all, there are only so many ideas to go around. I'll be fine tuning my plans this week and then heading off to buy supplies next week as all of the St. Pat's stuff has been out for awhile and I want to get it before it is totally gone! So many ideas swirling in my head and we haven't even made it to Valentine's Day yet-lol.

Wow, sorry I got carried away. Can you tell I LOVE St. Patrick's Day? OK, I've got my Irish blood flowing. Can't stop me now!! Stay tuned.

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