In any case, that is where I have been but I too have had my own little mini contractor issue. I recently posted about buying a pull-out garbage can/recycling can unit for my kitchen. May be getting too real but the above pictures show what we are currently working with. Of course, the door to the garbage can is usually closed but you get the idea.
When I saw the unit at Lowes, I snatched it up. I have put similar units in my other cabinets for pots and pans and pantry items so I know it is a no-brainer. Except, that is, in this case. I had a small upper shelf in the cabinet where this unit had to go so Tawanda came back for a visit. The thing was in there to stay but after using every hammer we own and then pulling out the big guns-a meat mallet and 2 crow bars-I managed to finally dislodge it. Then it would be a simple matter of a few screws and we would be good to go except that this thing had to go right where the copper tubing for my ice maker comes out of the wall and I need about 2 more inches of clearance. I was tempted to just bend it myself, but if I crimped it and we lost our ice and water in the frig, I would not be a happy camper. My hubby has a client who is a plumber-and he owes us some money-so the call went out over a week ago and we are still waiting. I am tempted to call our "real" plumber but at $60 just to walk in the door, I am holding out hope this other guy will appear.
And so, this is what my kitchen still looks like. At least we do have a kitchen, sinks, hot water, etc. so I guess I won't complain too loudly-and who would listen any way. Off to tackle more lined draperies and pinch pleats. If they turn out well, I will post some pictures. Heck, since I'm keeping it real today, maybe I'll post pix even if they don't. I did get down my 4th decorations. I am happy to report that I did break the record as they were up until July 19 this year. Summer is now out and that will be my next post. Stay tuned.
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