decorating with dodi

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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Rainy Days

 It looks like the rain is starting earlier than the usual afternoon pattern today and it is probably going to be like this most of the day. I did have a few things I thought I could get to outside but now that I'm having to do a pivot, I realized that I haven't actually finished our autumn tour. I have the two bathrooms left and the porch-which, still don't have new mums yet as the least time I was at the garden center, there were still none to be had! I do have my older mums from last year and they are blooming and looking OK which is probably why I haven't thought to go searching again. But I will...I promise because there is NOTHING like a beautiful FULL basket of blooming mums this time of year-and, hopefully then they will last throughout November!

All of that being said, the porch looks just like it did in 2022 so I'll give you a peek at that. And, while I was perusing those photos, I found the pictures of even more beautiful mums in the house so that will be my next outing! Hopefully they've made it to the stores by now!

Oh yeah, this sign has since been repainted. Lol

Let's check out the guest bath.

And then, of course, the slight nod to the season in the master bath.

As I look at these pictures I am reminded of the mixed feelings that I always have this time of year. I really love Halloween-and orange and black-but I think my absolute favorites are the colors of autumn and I am always somewhat sad to see them go. Luckily, a lot of them will return in November for Thanksgiving but there is just something SPECIAL about September!

I was looking at the rest of my craft supplies and trying to decide what I am going to do with the vintage moon I found at Target awhile back........and we interrupt this blog to bring you the U.S. Coast Guard Academy football game. Lol

When I looked at the clock I realized that it was almost time for my grandson's first game of the year to begin and, since this year they had some new fangled way to subscribe to watch the games, I knew I would need a bit if time to get signed up and good to go. Thanks to my daughter (his mom) and her hubby, I was up and running pretty quickly and I am so glad I was! This was a nail biter game down to the very last play. It went back and forth so many times but the Bears won in overtime! Yay! I will say that I realized how old I really am when the other team's kicker missed a field goal that would have given them the win right there and I was feeling all sorry for him. I could be his Nana and I know he was so upset with himself...but, I digress!

Daughters #1 & 3 were there and got to see it all first hand! Harrison was looking pretty tired as they were waiting to go into overtime.

Feeling much better now that there was a WIN in their column!

That game truly wore me out but once I had recouped, I went back to the moon. I had picked that up weeks ago in the Target $ Spot. I loved its vintage feel and I had a few ideas of what I might try but each one of them would have seen the moon added to a larger base and I guess I'm doing myself a disservice but, since I have absolutely no idea where this will end up and how large a space it will have, I decided to just amp up the florals so the wire ring was a bit more covered for now. I found some florals at the $Tree that were close to the original color of the flower on the wreath and then stuck in some pip berry spirals as well. I figure if it needs more presence when I'm ready to use it, I can amp it up a bit more.

This is close to how it came. I did add some walnut and mustard colored distress wax to it to tone down the "white" before I started. It actually didn't look all that bad. I just wanted to make sure that all of the wire was covered.

So that ended my day. Not sure what will come next. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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