decorating with dodi

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Monday, March 4, 2024

We Interrupt St. Patrick's Day....

 It feels like forever since I've been here and it also feels like I have lived a lifetime in the interim. Lol I had yet another birthday this past weekend and my family came through once again to give me just what I would most want-a weekend of helping hands and muscle from those who were in town and gift cards and visits and a two beautiful days with those who couldn't be here on Saturday.

I'm sure I have mentioned many times that my house will be 51 years old this October. We bought it brand new and have worked hard to keep it updated and maintained along the way, But, as is inevitable I guess, that updating and maintaining gets a bit more difficult as both you and your house begin to age! My house is fairly large and my yard is even larger and time and weather definitely play their hand in the wear and tear that happens. I actually enjoy the work in the yard although I will have to admit that it takes me longer these days both to accomplish some of the tasks and then to recover from them. Lol

My request for any holiday when I am asked is almost always extra hands and muscle to tackle some of the larger projects. And, how lucky am I that my birthday falls in early March when all of the spring tasks are becoming more and more obvious. I will say that I didn't request help raking the leaves this year because they still haven't stopped falling-at least I know I won't have time to get bored over the next month. Lol

My birthday started on Friday with a wonderful lunch with daughter #1 (who had just gotten in) and daughter #3 (who with her family would be out of town the next day). We went to a favorite restaurant that we haven't been to in awhile and had a delicious, long chatty meal. Then we went back to my house to continue our visit.

The weather on Saturday had looked questionable all week but except for being a bit muggy, the rains held off and the list that I made that had way more than I ever thought would get accomplished got COMPLETED-along with a few extra things that I didn't even think of. My family ROCKED it!

The girls asked me what I would like to eat but, since I knew that they would be working hard outside with all of the rest of us, I opted for one of my favorites-simple but delicious and everyone can make as they like-sub sandwiches, chips and an orzo salad that my sister-in-law made that was so good. And, so unlike me-a no-fuss, no-muss table setting. Lol And, of course, a glass of wine in my "birthday queen" glass.

And then, my all time favorite coconut cake from Wright's Gourmet in Tampa. And although it's not pictured, there is a matching carrot cake for everyone else. Lol

Two of my other beautiful grand daughters were able to join in on the fun from Charleston and Tallahassee.

 And no "Ravn" gathering would be complete without a rousing game of Michigan rummy.

 This sweet boy joined us for all of the fun.

And then just a glimpse of some of the many, many tasks that were accomplished. Main task of the day was that the gazebo had to be raised above the ground level it has sunken to.

The other "biggie" was to completely replace the fence slats that had pretty much rotted off at the bottom and were getting almost big enough for critters from both sides of the property to visit or escape. Lol

Those African irises were a chore and it was time for all of the crepe myrtles to be trimmed.

Also getting to be time to replace all of the old lattice on the fence.

This is a picture of my slide this morning after a short rain shower. Those beads are the result of my sweet sister-in-law applying 3 coats of finishing wax to the slide after I scrubbed off the mildew from the winter neglect. My shoulders just didn't have that much strength left for this job!

Much needed new slats on my fast deteriorating fence that is now about 30 plus years old.

Yard debris that includes the huge branch that just missed my house when it fell and a garbage can full of hard to dig up African irises that had pretty much taken over a small garden bed and was totally choking out a gardenia.

We even managed to fit in buying and transporting the beginnings of the many needed bags of mulch that will get spread once the roof is cleaned off and the leaves are raked.

And, while I was at Lowes getting supplies, I spied this beauty and treated myself to a birthday present. I bought it because it reminds me of the lily of the valleys that my dad always had blooming in our garden when I was a little girl. Fingers crossed I can keep it alive.

Everyone survived the day and made it home safely but daughters #1 and 2 spent the night and we had so much fun just chatting and catching up but then managed a movie as well.

Sunday saw daughter #3 and her family back in town and we were off to the Trinity H.S. Anchor Club Runway Auction where grandson #2 had been asked to be an escort-a job usually only reserved for upper classmen. It seems that since his brother was the first under classman to ever have this privilege, the club thought it only fair to ask Hud to participate as well as this will be the last year that they will be doing this fund raiser. This year's proceeds go to a very deserving local charity. Close to $10,000 was raised and the afternoon is always so much fun. My daughter won the bid on one of the dresses but I got so caught up in the bidding that I forgot to take a picture of her purchase. Lol

And that brings me to today where I am just doing little things to catch up on the weekend and taking it easy as I am feeling all of my newly claimed 77 years. Lol

I think I have a pretty laid back week ahead of me before I get to have my 2 grad dogs back while daughter #3 and her family head to Park City for spring break so I will be back soon with whatever is happening in my life. Stay safe and stay tuned.




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