decorating with dodi

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Sunday, October 8, 2023


I know it might not last forever just yet but I was finally able to throw open all of the windows this morning and feel a true bit of autumn in the air! It is really just a beautiful day here so before I head out and see what's happening in the yard, I thought I would take you through the next room on our tour-the kitchen. Come on in.

I'm loving my new gift of the vintage image towels.

I honestly don't remember where I got this menu sign-maybe $Tree last year or maybe someone else picked it up for me?-but I think it's pretty appropriate for my kitchen. It could use a little make-over-and that might happen-just not yet. Lol

Here is where one of the funnel jack-o-lanterns ended up.

So that is the kitchen for this year...not a lot to say I guess. Most of it is pretty much as it has been. One of these days I'm really going to shake up all of my decor -just not this year! I have so much "stuff" that the thought of just piling it all up somewhere and starting from scratch is a bit overwhelming. Perhaps even scarier than Halloween! Lol

I had some unexpected company yesterday-my 2 local grand dogs came over for the day. Daughter #3 and her family made a quick decision to head up to the UF Homecoming game and didn't want to leave the puppers alone for so long so they came here with me. Hazel (the Golden) is here all of the time and she fits in just perfectly and is really fun to have. Bruno (their new rescued Labradoodle) has never been here. He knows me from being at their house but he is only a year old and BIG, so I wasn't sure what to expect for his first visit. I will say, he is "no Hazel". She sticks to my side like glue while he was busy checking everything out-which is truly only what one would expect him to do. But, he is truly a sweet dog-and almost as easy as his sister. He is pitch black so he's not easy to keep track of outside at night but other than that, he too was a joy and I'm pretty sure they will be back again soon. I watched my grandson's football game on my IPad propped up in my bed and this was my company for those 3 1/2 hours.

Time to get a move on. After the yard work, I'm going to make another pot of my favorite Martha Stewart vermicelli vegetable soup. I guess I'm optimistic that maybe autumn is here to stay...we shall see. Stay safe and stay tuned. 

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