decorating with dodi

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Friday, December 15, 2017

Getting So Close!

I truly can not believe how fast time is going and how much I still have to do to be ready for Christmas this year. I had a lovely visit from grand daughter #3 the other day. She and I made a list of all of the things we could do and didn't put a dent in it but we did accomplish a few things. She helped me make this year's ornament...and, believe me, that was a big help. She also helped me do a few errands and then we had a fabulous dinner at Carrabbas before coming home and snuggling in with another Christmas movie.

My calendar is full the next four days so I thought maybe we should do a bit more of our tour while I have a minute. So, let's start with the family room. This room is part of my trouble getting things done! When all of the lights and candles are lit in here, I don't want to leave. I could truly sit in my chair and look at this view forever!

As many of my Santas as I didn't put out this year, I somehow had to use this guy. He is one that I made many years ago and he just seems to need to be in his place on the hearth every year!

We might as well catch the guest bathroom before we leave today.

I have a few other things I would like to share with you, but just in case I don't get my act together and get back here before Christmas, I think we have done a pretty good job of seeing most of this year's decorations. Fingers crossed I will visit again soon and by then gifts will be bought and wrapped, house will be clean, cookies will be baked, Christmas meals will be planned and on their way to being prepared, etc. Until then, peace, joy, love and happiness...and stay tuned.

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