decorating with dodi

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Sunday, March 20, 2022

One of Those Days!

Everyone has them...just one of those days where everything you touch seems to go wrong. If I am being honest, they usually happen to me when I am rushing and trying to just squeeze too much into too little time. And, that was probably the case the other day. I was taking down St. Pat's decor and putting out Easter...and, I had my faithful little shadow (for those of you who are new, I'm "grand" dog sitting this week) here following me everywhere I went. Lol I was trying hard to get the switch done in less than my usual 3-4 days...which I did, with a few mishaps along the way.

I almost always start in my living room and this time was no exception. One of the first things to get done is the couch table and so I headed out to my family room cupboard to get the egg wreath that circles a big potted plant. There is a story way too long to tell involving tons of concrete pumped into our old garage to level the floor before becoming the family room...except there were areas left lower because of design. This cupboard is one of those areas so, when I reached in to pull out the wreath - which, honestly is usually hung up higher...don't know why it wasn't - my hand grabbed something slimy and mushy and I honestly thought maybe a snake had somehow found his way in and I was grabbing him. Luckily, it only took me a moment to realize that it was the wreath dripping wet and some of the eggs were literally melting.

Of course then my next thought is a roof leak and the thousands and thousands of dollars that will be needed to fix that. Luckily again, I maintained my cool and grabbed a flashlight. I discovered about two inches of standing water but absolutely no hint of the water coming in from the roof. And then I remembered that right outside this area was a gutter down spout and that we had had tornadoes in the area with flooding downpours less than a week ago. Now, I am not an expert and I will have it checked out by one but, upon checking the down spout I did find it backed up with leaves and the area under it still soggy with water. I think all that may be needed is a drainage ditch of some type...but, I digress. The whole point of this post is the wreath...if that is even a legitimate reason to post. Lol

After closer examination of the wreath, I discovered that the eggs are painted Styrofoam and the finish on the eggs had simply melted off and this had happened pretty much around the entire bottom level of the wreath. I thought I would end up pulling off the eggs and then just keeping the grape vine base so I left it for then and went on about decorating.

Of course, the next step was to bring the pretty spring green pot full of peace lily in from the sunroom to the couch table. As I was carrying it, it suddenly dropped on one side. Luckily, I saved it from falling all the way to the ground. Apparently I had been carrying it by its very large sturdy looking handles and one of the handles had broken right off. The pot is terra cotta inside so a clean break did not happen and a lot of tiny pieces splintered off. I mixed up some epoxy glue and put it back on and kept going. 

I went on about my life decorating, gardening, taking care of Hazel and her sister kittens, etc...until today when I finally had a chance to go back and "fluff" all of the flowers, straighten bows, etc. And then I was faced with a melted wreath. I love that wreath. It was a gift and I was missing it in my decor so, with a bit of free time today, I decided to tackle the project. I mixed up different colors of paint and got close to most. There did turn out to be several different colors of green on the eggs but, I came close. And then I realized that the eggs had been splatter painted and of course the ones I just did weren't. So, out came the brown paint and toothbrush. I had forgotten just how hard it is to direct your splatters but, it is what it is. When the finish on the eggs still didn't look alike I took it outside and just gave the whole thing a spray of clear coat.

While that was drying, I addressed the pot. Let's just say that that wasn't as easy a fix but, because the pot already had a lot of distressed areas, I just filled in the missing "hunk" with hot glue, used a mix of paints, added more distressing and called it a day! Don't look too close! Lol

And now they're both back together where they belong and life will go on.

Honestly, I don't know why things like this make me happy but they do. Crisis averted. Lol I'm off to spend the last full day I will have with Hazel here. I love this dog and I really enjoy her company. I will miss her when she leaves but, I can probably make a clone of her with all of the hair she will leave behind. She is a shedder but I don't care. That is a small price to pay for such unconditional love and companionship! Stay safe and stay tuned.

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