I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I was hoping to change a few vignettes this year. Because of some other issues, I didn't really get a lot of time to think it all out and I must admit that when I first set things up, I wasn't entirely happy. Since then (and since these pictures), I have done a bit of tweaking - added way more ravens (3 dimensional as well as silhouettes on the front windows), a portrait of Edgar Allan Poe, more "family" pix on FR mantle, a few more black and silver candles, more glittered skulls and yes, more mercury glass. I am beginning to like it but know I will be tweaking until after the actual holiday when I will see where I will fit in any new additions I acquire at after Halloween sales. Can you spell ADDICTION?
I had fun with the "Raven" vignette. I love my new birdcage. I will probably pull in more literary finds when I have time but I am happy with it for now. I stopped in another of my favorite shops in Micanopy and was about to buy some old black books when it dawned on me that I read lots of mysteries with "spooky" names. I headed home and pulled some books off the shelf and sure enough, they had black covers with names that were totally appropriate. I will probably "age" some of them or rearrange at some point.
The blanket chest was kept pretty simple this year. I love my witch boot vase that I found last year at "The Shoppe". I'm not much of a floral designer but I think it looks O.K. Also got most of that glittery stuff )which you really can't see in this pix) at The Shoppe. I know I paid too much, but just couldn't find a good replacement at the regular craft stores. The large witch sign on the wall (that is glaring from flashback) was found at The Barn last year. It is totally different from things you find in most places and I love it!
I had promised myself I would try to pare down this year and in my mind, the pumpkin head collection was going to stay in storage. As you can see, when push came to shove, I couldn't do it! One by one I started pulling them out and here you have it.
I have way too many Halloween frames!!! You will probably see some unfilled as we travel through my house. That is only because my 7 grandchildren will be here this weekend for Halloween at Nana & Papa's and we take many, many pictures that day. Their favorite is when they each grab a witch hat or adornment off of the hall tree right inside the front door and we take photos under the "welcome arch". Same place every year. It is so much fun to see what changes each year brings. Last year we had a new babe in arms, and this year she is already walking. And so it goes.
I also have way too many witches. And somehow I get lots of presnts and jokes about "the witch is in"! As long as I can wear my fancy, pointed hat, I'm O.K. with the comparison. It is done in jest - I hope ??! Love this time of year. Working hard to still fit in all of our traditions. And how lovely for Mother Nature to cooperate with us. Our weather this last week has been picture perfect. I feel a fire in the fireplace coming soon - even if we do have to push the AC down a few degrees! Much more to come. We're not even through the livingroom!
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