So this looks pretty benign, doesn't it? Who would think that it would become the culprit in my newest obsession! I am now on a quest to scratch off as much of my to-do list as possible. Here's the story.... I have had this new garage door opener keypad waiting to be installed forever!!!! My husband and I installed the last one, so I knew it wasn't something beyond our capabilities, yet it remained on "THE LIST". Every time I would re-write "THE LIST", it would get carried over and I would feel a little sense of guilt that I had not accomplished my goal. Of course, not enough guilt to actually get moving on it. I can't explain it, I just kept moving it from list to list.
As my SIL was here this past week preparing to move in with us until their house sold in Lakeland, he asked me for some to-dos-probably to keep from going stir crazy because a house with 2 seniors doesn't come close to the excitement of a house with a wife, 3 children and your own to-do list. In any case, I mentioned that blasted door opener and before I could finish making my excuses for why it sat lifeless on the shelf forever, it was up and working.
Somehow, that was all it took! Now I must scratch off the rest of the lolly-gaggers. Yesterday, between gabbing with the pest control guy and the A/C tech, I got out the sewing machine and FINALLY finished recovering the back cushion of the chaise in my bedroom. Mind you, the rest of the project was done several years ago-just not the EASIEST part-the back cushion. It literally didn't take me an hour! Of course, it has been so long since I started this project that I don't think I would ever choose this fabric again, but that is for another day and another list!
Next task to be accomplished. Add an extension to my "I love this bedskirt but it is too short for my bed. Not to worry, I'll make an extension" bedskirt. Of course that was said over a year ago and I have been pretending I couldn't see right under my bed ever since. Measurements are taken and I'm off to JoAnns before this feeling leaves-and it will as soon as I see a new Halloween or autumn idea and set off in a different direction. After all, they're only lists and they are MY lists, so who's to know!
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