decorating with dodi

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Saturday, January 15, 2022

Into the Sun

It is a beautiful day today and I am starting to think about all of the things I would like to get to outside but, before I do, let's head into the sunroom.

Once again, the sunroom was left pretty sparse just so that we could make use of the surfaces without a lot of moving. I have used this table at least three times since the decor went up and the rest of the family hasn't even been here to need it yet. This is our favorite eating, crafting, gaming spot if we are a group smaller than the whole clan.

If I have an extra pillow or two, I like to use it on the chair because that is a favorite "coffee drinking" spot of mine. I did add a few candles and, of course, the family history of Valentine photos-along with the ones in the family room and master bedroom. Flat surfaces are getting in short supply around here these days. Lol

That's actually it for the sunroom-just enough to remind us of the holiday. But, before I go, let me show you my latest tweak. If you read yesterday's blog, you might have read between the lines and realized that I wasn't exactly thrilled with my latest Valentine craft.

For me, there just wasn't enough contrast. I thought about it for awhile and then decided that maybe a thin brushing of silver would help me like it more. And so, I brushed on some Elmers and gave it a dusting first of "tinsel" glitter and then a VERY fine glitter powder. I am definitely liking it better.

If you look closely, you will see the small foam pads I also put across the front of the pallet. Once that helped even off the bottom, I was able to once again use this piece as I had a shelf sitter. And so, here is where it is now living.

I'm still not completely in love...still thinking about a few other options...but, we shall see. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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