decorating with dodi

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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Another Dreary Day

Our weather is a bit warmer today...although this weekend is supposed to be really cold with the possibility of snow flurries! As bad as that sounds for Florida...and my garden...I would kind of love it to happen. We haven't had "snow" here in many, many years. But, I digress. In any case, it is another "one" of those days and I am busy finishing up two more projects-albeit SMALL projects.

Since I still have a stack of the wood tags that I cut a long time ago, I always perk up a bit when I get a new inspiration for another holiday tag. I made a St. Pat's tag last year but it is the predictable look for me.

While perusing Pinterest, I saw a tag with darker green than I would usually choose for St. Pat's and it spoke to me. Lol There really isn't much to say about the process that I haven't said before but, I did do it a bit differently this time. I usually paint in all the background color and then create a stencil to use as a block and paint over it all with the top color. Then, when I remove the block, I have my image. I'm not sure why I didn't do that this time but I just painted the tag, drew the shamrock and filled it in.

Then I used a white paint pen to add the word, distressed it ever so slightly, gave it a swipe with the antique wax and a light coat of a matte clear acrylic spray and added some twine for the hanger.

And when that didn't fill my day, I pulled out the other pallet board that I made and decoupaged a pretty Victorian print. The same routine as always. Load up the board with all of the background colors you want and then finish with the top color. This time I used pink, red and antique wax with a top coat of chalk color chalk paint.

Once that is all dry, I hit the edges with sandpaper to bring out the bottom colors and make it look chippy and old. The print went on and then I hit the edges with more antique wax.

 My plan had been to put this on the wall shelf in the guest bath but, I forgot that I already had a picture there that looked really good and was actually a better size. While I was looking for another spot, I passed the hutch in the kitchen and realized that this print would complement and be complemented by the roses on those shelves. Of course, my Scherenschnitte was already there so it needed a new home...and here we go again! Lol Here is where everything ended up.

I moved the Scherenschnitte that was here on the lower shelf to the top and added the one from the hutch. Then I moved around the other things and we're good to go.

The new print found its home in the hutch.

And this is why I like this arrangement...all of the roses go together so well. It's "serendipity".  Lol

I'm off to have some lunch. My girlfriend was here the other day and it was so nasty outside that we decided to stay here and have lunch. I made a big pot of yummy soup and spinach, corn and cheddar biscuits and, even though I sent a bunch home with her, I still have leftovers. It will be perfect for yet another dreary, chilly day. I really think I am done with Valentine's Day but I'm not promising anything about St. Pat's and definitely not Easter so we shall see what I come up with next! Stay safe and stay tuned.



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