decorating with dodi

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Saturday, February 3, 2024

Thanks Phil!

 I enjoy all of the pomp and circumstance of Punxsutawney Phil and whether or not he will see his shadow. When I was teaching, Groundhog's Day was one of my favorites with all of the things we did with shadows and sun. But that being said, I enjoy hearing what Phil's outcome was and then that is about it. But this year, when he said "early spring" I had no idea how early he meant. Our weather is absolutely gorgeous outside and I knew I could not stop myself from heading out into the gardens. And just as quickly, I realized how soon I needed to stop myself and get indoors.

I did stay out there about two hours and got a lot of the things that were bothering me the most done but then, as predicted, I started cutting back the things that took a hit in our last kind of cold spell. We may have hit freezing one night for maybe an hour so there were some things that were looking sad but, unless Phil really knows something, winter isn't over just yet and I have actually killed things that would have come back by cutting them down too soon. And so, I brought myself back into the house. You would think that I could just enjoy being out there and ignore what was around me  but, alas, that is just not in my DNA. It has to "look" pretty before I can rest. And so, I thought I would show you my latest REALLY simple project and then we can finish up our Valentine tour.

When I popped into the $Tree the other day, I grabbed a St. Pat's wood bead string. I have one already that I made when I made all of my book stacks and matching bead strings but, for $1.25 I figured even if I just used the beads, it was worth grabbing. As I was sitting and looking at it, I decided to give the glittered shamrock a make over and see what it looked like. Pretty self explanatory but I did take a few pictures along the way.

I just cut out the shape from a piece of St. Pat's scrapbook paper. I did use an unfinished wood shamrock I had so I didn't even have to deal with sanding off the glitter. I may even use the leftover shamrock nestled in my dough bowl-we shall see.

I glued that on the front and then painted the back and, when the front was dry I edged it in a bit of gold paint.

Then I got out my trusty Dremel and drilled a hole and reattached the beads. I'm not sure if it will find a home but I'll let you know soon.

I actually think we have toured all of the house except the bathrooms so let's do that now.


And a nod in the master...

And, a few of the extra photos and flower pots that the kids made over the years.

So that's all I've got for now. My girl friend is coming over for the day on Monday so I'm thinking there might be a bit of cleaning I should get to before then...not as much fun as crafting or decorating but something I guess I can't avoid any longer. Lol 

I'll be back...and I'll let you know if Phil knew what he was talking about. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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