decorating with dodi

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Sunday, April 23, 2023

Back to Spring!

 I've been off on my 4th of July craft detour for the last few days. And, if the truth be told, if I could find any other 4th craft that I am dying to do, I would still be off on that detour. But, alas, try as I might, I am coming up empty! Again, I've been crafting for so long that there really aren't many new ideas coming down the pike. I'll keep looking but until I find something, I thought we should get back to our spring tour. Today, into the kitchen we go.

I love spring but seem to have a bit if trouble decorating for it. As I said in my previous post, I wasn't feeling the pastel colors of spring so things are kind of GREEN. I also don't have a lot of spring crafts so this is one of the few times of the year that I can incorporate "generic" things into the mix. The problem is that I have so few of these occasions since holidays usually prevail that I kind of forget what I have to work with. By the time that I figure it all out, I'll probably be ready for red, white and blue. Lol

Even in here, I left out a little of the pops of purple just because there was a LOT of green. I love green but I needed a little more "spring" in the feel.

I needed something to put the small pot of pansies into and just couldn't find anything until I remembered that many years ago I fell in love with the Royal Doulton Brambley Hedge seasons collection. It consisted of a bone china beaker and sandwich plate for each of the seasons. I used to display them all of the time with my other collection of bone china but, as the years passed, my taste changed. I still love the bone china and drinking out of it but I no longer display it all-it was actually a dust and cleaning nightmare that I just didn't want to fuss with any more.

In any case, I think the cup works perfectly here and I just went and grabbed the plate (which I had actually forgotten all about) and will see if I can find a place for it as well...we shall see.

So, what do you think? Definitely not my first choice because there is so much purple in the box and none on the plate (the little pops of blue are kind of close) but I will just have to go with all of the green. I really wanted to have the plate up on the shelf where the cup is but, the shelf isn't wide enough to accommodate to correct holder and I didn't want to take a chance of it falling and breaking after I just found it again. I'll let you know if I come up with something better but, until then, I'm off to give my very furry grand dog a good brushing. Thanks for visiting. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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