decorating with dodi

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Monday, March 6, 2023

It's Official!

 I am officially another year took 5 days for the celebrating but it is now done-unless you count all of the extra food that got left for me in my fridge that I will be eating on for a week! Lol

My "real" birthday was Thursday and I got to celebrate it with my three youngest grand children. Their parents were out of town at a Blake Shelton concert so Nana got to take over the parenting duties and it was fun. I picked my grand daughter up from school and she and I had a fun few hours planning our St. Pat's weekend which is coming up this week. Then we headed to the boys lacrosse game where they won by 16 points so a good night all around. Hud had rolled his ankle at the previous game so he was out for this one.

On Friday, my oldest daughter arrived and she, daughter #3, grand daughter #5 and I got to spend the day together. It had been a really busy week and everyone was tired so I skipped the picture taking but we had a fun visit and wonderful dinner together.

On Saturday, daughter #2, her hubby and my brother and sister-in-law arrived and after a nice lunch, we headed out into the yard and they said "what do you need help with?". That's not a question you should ask an old lady with a 3/4 acre yard! Lol My daughter got up on the roof and got all branches and twigs down as well as all of the gutters cleared out. This is one job that I can no longer do so it is a HUGE help. My brother and oldest daughter pulled off old fence slats and replaced them with new, my sister-in-law raked TONS of stuff that Becky shot down off of the roof and my son-in-law put in a new fence post where one was leaning. All of that was worth more than any gifts I could ever receive but I received beautiful gifts as well including the traditional wine, spring flowers and coconut cake from Wright's Gourmet Deli in Tampa! I'm a happy camper!

Then on Sunday daughter #3 and her family had returned from a lacrosse game in Tallahassee and we were off to the high school where my oldest grandson was once again an escort in the Anchor Club Runway event. He is a club sweetheart so he does this every year. The boys wear the newest in tuxedo fashion and the girls wear dresses that are auctioned off for a local facility that shelters children who have been abused or neglected. It is a wonderful cause and the club raises thousands of dollars a year. This year the top bid for just one of these dresses was $1500!

Harrison got to escort two girls this year and they have a lot of fun on the runway while Coach Brantley is trying to drive up the bids on the dresses!

It is always a fun event and the perfect way to cap off my birthday celebrating!


We were missing grandson #2 who was home working on the boat. Lol

Harrison was not only sporting a "spiffy" outfit, he was sporting 7 stitches in his brow and a cut on his forehead from the lacrosse game on Saturday. I'm glad I missed that one because I would have been a wreck when I saw all of the blood. Other than thinking it was an illegal hit, he's fine with it...just another day for an athlete.

So now I have no more excuses. Back to reality and, once again, tackling all of the things that we have to tackle in the spring before I can truly enjoy sitting outside and relaxing. The crazy thing is that I actually enjoy doing it all even though it wears me out. And, I need to get the grocery list made out for this weekend's fun! 

When the kids were younger, we always did a leprechaun scavenger hunt but Presley said it was OK to scrap that tradition this year. But, Nana still enjoys giving them little pots o" gold-or, in this case bags-so I am gathering up what I have found so far. I'm making 2 bags for the girls who will be here but a little something to send home to the boys as well. The girls have an addition  of a St. Pat's scrunchie and green nail polish in their bags. I think the boys will be fine without getting those. Lol

That's it for now. Stay safe and stay tuned.



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