decorating with dodi

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Wrapping It Up

I've got a few minutes this morning so I thought maybe I would wrap up this year's Thanksgiving tour...but first.

I had the absolute best time yesterday with my two grandsons at their school's Grandparent Day Appreciation event. It always starts with a mass which has lots of student participation. Then we go out to the courtyard to meet and mingle. I love this time. It gives us all an opportunity to meet some of our kids' friends that we may not know. Both of my grandsons play football, soccer and sometimes track and field and so, by just going to games and meets, I get to meet a lot of people. And then of course there are the friends they have had throughout their childhood. But, it is also nice to meet people they only relate to at school-maybe during student government, club meetings, projects, etc. I am always so proud by the time this part is over to have heard what so many others have to say about these boys...especially when it comes from staff members. I have always thought they are special but, I know them and, as they say, boys will be boys. Lol And so I'm never 100% sure how they present themselves to others out of our family setting...until I am at something like this and teachers, parents, office staff, etc. who don't know me stop me to tell me how much they think of the boys! Definitely makes me so proud and I am thrilled to be able to share this special event with them that is just for us!

Here is this year's official photo. I swear I look like I'm standing in a hole and, I couldn't figure out why I wasn't looking at the camera until I realized that the lens was at the boy's eye line and for me to look at it I had to look up to the heavens. Lol

And this is just a shot that another grand mother took of us because she loves these boys so much.

After this, we got served a really lovely breakfast and then another year's event was in the books.

I think all I have left to show you is the guest bath and maybe just a peek at mine.

Again, the master bath has just enough to remind me of the holiday but not enough to get in the way of use...wouldn't want to intrude on my extensive beauty regimen. Lol I am a bit addicted to the beautifully wrapped seasonal soaps. I am drawn to them for their looks but they really do make the bathroom smell like a 5-star hotel bathroom. Now if I could just convince myself to use them...they're just too pretty!

So I think we have now finished up the tour. Tomorrow is our first football playoff game and tailgate and my brother and sister-in-law will be with me for the day and then on Sunday I'm off to St. Augustine with daughter #2 to visit grand daughter #3 and enjoy St. Augustine Nights of Lights as well as Mannheim Steamroller at the St. Augustine Amphitheater. Then, I have grandson #2's birthday and dinner out next week before I start to get ready for Thanksgiving. I love this time of year...maybe that's why it just feels as if it is flying by.

You know I'll be back with photos as soon as I can Stay safe and stay tuned.

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