decorating with dodi

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lazy Autumn Day

Now that I have finished the two craft projects I had been wanting to do and I don't really have any time this week to start any new things, I find myself roaming around the house doing some mundane chores and using the time in between to continue to tweak autumn. As much as I love my Halloween and Christmas decor, I truly think that autumn is my favorite. It calms my soul. I love everything about it...the colors, the scents and all of the activities it brings with it. It will all be coming down soon but most of it will reappear in November so I don't mind still adding to the vignettes as I find things...both new and just "rediscovered" things.

I found this cute little sign and the shelf in the guest bath was just begging for something else.

And then I came upon this sweet little gift from Liv. She made it in G.S. a number of years ago. Her mom was her leader so it was no surprise that there would be lots of holiday crafts coming from that troop. It is sitting next to the tree that her sister made me in scouts. I always seem to forget it when I am decorating because it is very fragile and I wrap it up and store it somewhere safe. It is always a happy surprise when I find it every year.

If you look carefully you will probably see a few of the repairs...hence the reason it gets such special treatment these days.

I bought some leaves for another project and didn't use them all. Since I have always felt the dough bowl needed a little "oomph", I draped the branches among the pumpkins and I like it better now.

And then there is another late find. The last few years I have found some beautiful autumn dinner ware at WalMart by BH&G. It has really rivaled PB designs and at a way better price point. And so, every year I check what might be new. This year, I haven't found any by BH&G but, there is some that is the WalMart brand, I think. They didn't have any plates that I needed as I already have so many it would take something really special for me to buy more. But, I did fall in love with this serving bowl, I love the design on it so much. And, since I use this stuff all of September and November, I didn't mind splurging a whole $10. Lol

And I realized that I forgot to share our Friday Night Lights from last week. It was Trinity's homecoming so lots of festivities and lots of family to help cheer on the team to yet another win!

I think I'm going to spend the afternoon back on Pinterest...not looking for more craft ideas but this time, looking for some kid Halloween food, games and crafts. My youngest grand daughter asked me if we were going to fit in our traditional kids' Halloween weekend. With all of the football and other autumn activities it is probably going to be tight, but I am going to get some plans ready just in case we can pull it off. Worst case scenario, it might just be Presley and me but at least tradition will live on in some form. Stay tuned.

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