decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

If I Was a Betting Woman...

 Those of you who know me would have lost a bet if you bet that this wouldn't happen! Lol As much as I "say" I won't rush the season, once we get temperatures into the 80s and I want to be outside, I know full well that I won't be out there if I have to look at dead leaves and droopy plants. We really only got a few nights that it got really cold but, for the things I didn't cover or were not up against the house, I did lose leaves. Everything will come back but until it does, things were looking rough...and so, this happened.

That was all six of the yard debris cans that I have or there would have been more! I got a good start but have been losing the battle against the oak leaves of late. They are coming down way heavier than they usually do and it is an uphill battle but I try to fill a few cans every chance I get. 

I was just out cleaning the fountains and I realized that the pollen is now upon us as well. Spring, spring, beautiful spring! Lol I truly just wish all of the leaves would fall at once and we could get it over with. Why doesn't Mother Nature listen?!

And now I am back in the house for a bit so I thought I would take you into the dining room. I think except for changing the wood tag on the urn, things in this room are pretty much as they were last year. I need some new St. Pat's ideas!

Every time I put out this table runner from HL, I am so thankful that I grabbed it. Sometimes things in HL look like what you pay for them but this runner, in my opinion, looks so much more expensive. It really looks like a fine Irish linen with a delicate embroidery.

So that's the tour for today. As much as I really would like to sit and put my feet up the rest of the day, I am off to dust and Swiffer. As I said, I didn't realize that the pollen had arrived. Guess I should have looked a little more closely at my glass coffee table and wood floors in my living room after having the windows open all day yesterday! Yikes. Note to self...keep the windows closed for awhile! Stay safe and stay tuned.

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