decorating with dodi

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spring Glorious Spring!

As I mentioned in my last post, we are having the most beautiful spring I can remember in many years. The only thing missing is rain and when you live in Florida, rain water is really important so I have been spending much of my time out in the gardens making sure all of my new plantings manage to stay alive. Of course, while I am out there, I begin to notice all of the details that need attention. Good thing I love being out there, as there are many details crying out about now!

I have decided that this is the year to re-do the pool decking and even though I have done it before, I have now decided to leave it to a contractor friend of ours. The last time I did the deck, I didn't go as dark as my gut told me to go, so this time I chose a fairly dark taupe called mocha. It matches the design in the pool detailing and most of our new cushions not to mention the stucco on the house so I think I am going to be happy. And, while the guys are here, they are going to pressure clean the roof of my gazebo and clean my gutters. These are both usually my jobs and I really enjoy doing them as I get some immediate gratification but my ophthalmologist thinks the infection I had in my eyes last year may have come from the bacteria thrown about as I did these things and would rather I leave them to someone else this year. It is hard for me to let go of some things but I have had a long journey with my eyes and we still aren't back to normal so "let go" I must!!

As you will see, I went simple with my spring decor this year-mostly lots of green and garden feel. It was a simple transition from Easter and will be with us until I decorate for the 4th of July in early June.

Since I had gone on a bird nest kick last year I went ahead and used them again also.

It has been a busy week. Got to spend time with the 3 youngest grand kids and go to a few school events. I've got pictures to share, but the above view is calling right now so I am going to pour a glass of wine and grab a book and head outside once again. The rest will have to wait until the next post. Stay tuned.

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